... is on SourceForge:

md5sum 636d382f6db917b385e7a6f158136ca2

See also http://tcng.sourceforge.net/

This release contains the upgrade to 2.4.26, plus a few compatibility

There's also a major bug that strangely went undetected until
recently, when Laurent Moutel reported that his classifiers behaved
unexpectedly: if testing fields in a "late" header before testing
fields in an "early" header (e.g. TCP port before IP address), the
u32 output generated by tcc had the offsets wrong.

I didn't have time to properly fix this yet, but tcc now detects
this problem, and prints an error message. So if it reports

unsupported offset sequence - please try to reorder matches

try to make sure that tests connected by && test headers in the
order in which the appear in the packet.

The complete list of changes is below.

- Werner

----------------------------------- CHANGES -----------------------------------

- configure is compatible with 2.4.26
- updated kernel version example in README from 2.4.25 to 2.4.26
- scripts/compatibility.sh: added 2.4.26
- installation example in README now also mentions downloading the iproute2
  tarball from Debian
- configure and scripts/minisrc.sh now also recognize the Debian iproute
- tcsim/setup.klib: added "time_after" and "time_after_eq" to linux/sched.h
- tcsim/setup.klib: converts dsfield.h to remove bare newlines from strings
  (needed to build tcsim with old kernel sources and a new gcc)
- if_u32.c:dump_and now checks if any but the last && term changes the offset
  group (tests/tcng-9m; updated tests/tcng-2i, reported by Laurent Moutel)
- tcsim/Makefile: compile tcsim.c without kernel includes, to avoid confusing
  glibc headers (reported by Nuutti Kotivuori)

 / Werner Almesberger, Buenos Aires, Argentina         [EMAIL PROTECTED] /
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