Colin Watson has proposed merging 
~cjwatson/launchpad:stormify-queuedepth-queries into launchpad:master.

Commit message:
Convert lp.buildmaster.queuedepth queries to Storm expressions

Requested reviews:
  Launchpad code reviewers (launchpad-reviewers)

For more details, see:

We generally prefer having less in the way of constructing SQL queries by 
pasting strings together.  This will also make it a little easier to convert 
`Processor` to Storm.

Most of the transformations are reasonably obvious; I switched from 
`EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM ...)` to `date_part('epoch', ...)` because the latter can 
be expressed in Storm expressions more conveniently, but says that they're 
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of 
~cjwatson/launchpad:stormify-queuedepth-queries into launchpad:master.
diff --git a/lib/lp/buildmaster/ b/lib/lp/buildmaster/
index 05adfa1..354d07e 100644
--- a/lib/lp/buildmaster/
+++ b/lib/lp/buildmaster/
@@ -8,13 +8,26 @@ __all__ = [
 from collections import defaultdict
 from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
-from storm.expr import Count
+from storm.databases.postgres import Case
+from storm.expr import (
+    And,
+    Cast,
+    Count,
+    Desc,
+    Func,
+    Is,
+    IsNot,
+    Min,
+    Not,
+    Or,
+    Select,
+    Sum,
 from lp.buildmaster.enums import BuildQueueStatus
 from lp.buildmaster.model.builder import Builder, BuilderProcessor
 from lp.buildmaster.model.buildqueue import BuildQueue
 from import IStore
-from import sqlvalues
 def get_builder_data():
@@ -56,26 +69,29 @@ def get_builder_data():
 def get_free_builders_count(processor, virtualized):
     """How many builders capable of running jobs for the given processor
     and virtualization combination are idle/free at present?"""
-    query = """
-        SELECT COUNT(id) FROM builder
-        WHERE
-            builderok = TRUE AND manual = FALSE
-            AND id NOT IN (
-                SELECT builder FROM BuildQueue WHERE builder IS NOT NULL)
-            AND virtualized = %s
-        """ % sqlvalues(
-        virtualized
-    )
+    clauses = [
+        Is(Builder._builderok, True),
+        Is(Builder.manual, False),
+        Not(
+                Select(
+                    BuildQueue.builder_id,
+                    where=IsNot(BuildQueue.builder_id, None),
+                )
+            )
+        ),
+        Is(Builder.virtualized, virtualized),
+    ]
     if processor is not None:
-        query += """
-            AND id IN (
-                SELECT builder FROM BuilderProcessor WHERE processor = %s)
-        """ % sqlvalues(
-            processor
+        clauses.append(
+                Select(
+                    BuilderProcessor.builder_id,
+                    where=(BuilderProcessor.processor == processor),
+                )
+            )
-    result_set = IStore(BuildQueue).execute(query)
-    free_builders = result_set.get_one()[0]
-    return free_builders
+    return IStore(Builder).find(, *clauses).count()
 def get_head_job_platform(bq):
@@ -89,18 +105,15 @@ def get_head_job_platform(bq):
     platform or None if the JOI is the head job.
     my_platform = (getattr(bq.processor, "id", None), bq.virtualized)
-    query = """
-        SELECT
-            processor,
-            virtualized
-        FROM BuildQueue
-        WHERE
-        """
-    query += get_pending_jobs_clauses(bq)
-    query += """
-        ORDER BY lastscore DESC, id LIMIT 1
-        """
-    result = IStore(BuildQueue).execute(query).get_one()
+    result = (
+        IStore(BuildQueue)
+        .find(
+            (BuildQueue.processor_id, BuildQueue.virtualized),
+            *get_pending_jobs_clauses(bq),
+        )
+        .order_by(Desc(BuildQueue.lastscore),
+        .first()
+    )
     return my_platform if result is None else result
@@ -132,84 +145,77 @@ def estimate_time_to_next_builder(bq, now=None):
     head_job_processor, head_job_virtualized = head_job_platform
     now = now or
-    delay_query = """
-        SELECT MIN(
-            CASE WHEN
-                (BuildQueue.estimated_duration -
-                (((%s AT TIME ZONE 'UTC') - BuildQueue.date_started))))  >= 0
-            THEN
-                (BuildQueue.estimated_duration -
-                (((%s AT TIME ZONE 'UTC') - BuildQueue.date_started))))
-            ELSE
-            -- Assume that jobs that have overdrawn their estimated
-            -- duration time budget will complete within 2 minutes.
-            -- This is a wild guess but has worked well so far.
-            --
-            -- Please note that this is entirely innocuous i.e. if our
-            -- guess is off nothing bad will happen but our estimate will
-            -- not be as good as it could be.
-            120
-            END)
-        FROM
-            BuildQueue, Builder
-        WHERE
-            BuildQueue.builder =
-            AND Builder.manual = False
-            AND Builder.builderok = True
-            AND BuildQueue.status = %s
-            AND Builder.virtualized = %s
-        """ % sqlvalues(
-        now, now, BuildQueueStatus.RUNNING, head_job_virtualized
-    )
+    delay_clauses = [
+        BuildQueue.builder_id ==,
+        Is(Builder.manual, False),
+        Is(Builder._builderok, True),
+        BuildQueue.status == BuildQueueStatus.RUNNING,
+        Is(Builder.virtualized, head_job_virtualized),
+    ]
     if head_job_processor is not None:
         # Only look at builders with specific processor types.
-        delay_query += """
-            AND IN (
-                SELECT builder FROM BuilderProcessor WHERE processor = %s)
-            """ % sqlvalues(
-            head_job_processor
+        delay_clauses.append(
+                Select(
+                    BuilderProcessor.builder_id,
+                    where=(BuilderProcessor.processor == head_job_processor),
+                )
+            )
+        )
+    estimated_remaining = Func(
+        "date_part",
+        "epoch",
+        BuildQueue.date_started + BuildQueue.estimated_duration - now,
+    )
+    head_job_delay = (
+        IStore(BuildQueue)
+        .find(
+            Min(
+                Case(
+                    cases=((estimated_remaining >= 0, estimated_remaining),),
+                    # Assume that jobs that have overdrawn their estimated
+                    # duration time budget will complete within 2 minutes.
+                    # This is a wild guess but has worked well so far.
+                    #
+                    # Please note that this is entirely innocuous, i.e. if
+                    # our guess is off nothing bad will happen but our
+                    # estimate will not be as good as it could be.
+                    default=120,
+                )
+            ),
+            *delay_clauses,
+        .one()
+    )
-    result_set = IStore(BuildQueue).execute(delay_query)
-    head_job_delay = result_set.get_one()[0]
     return 0 if head_job_delay is None else int(head_job_delay)
 def get_pending_jobs_clauses(bq):
-    """WHERE clauses for pending job queries, used for dipatch time
-    estimation."""
-    clauses = """
-        BuildQueue.status = %s
-        AND (
-            -- The score must be either above my score or the
-            -- job must be older than me in cases where the
-            -- score is equal.
-            BuildQueue.lastscore > %s OR
-            (BuildQueue.lastscore = %s AND < %s))
-        AND buildqueue.virtualized = %s
-        """ % sqlvalues(
-        BuildQueueStatus.WAITING,
-        bq.lastscore,
-        bq.lastscore,
-        bq.virtualized,
-    )
-    processor_clause = """
-        AND (
-            -- The processor values either match or the candidate
-            -- job is processor-independent.
-            buildqueue.processor = %s OR
-            buildqueue.processor IS NULL)
-        """ % sqlvalues(
-        bq.processor
-    )
+    """Storm clauses for pending job queries, used for dispatch time
+    estimation.
+    """
+    clauses = [
+        BuildQueue.status == BuildQueueStatus.WAITING,
+        # Either the score must be above my score, or the job must be older
+        # than me in cases where the score is equal.
+        Or(
+            BuildQueue.lastscore > bq.lastscore,
+            And(BuildQueue.lastscore == bq.lastscore, <,
+        ),
+        Is(BuildQueue.virtualized, bq.virtualized),
+    ]
     # We don't care about processors if the estimation is for a
     # processor-independent job.
     if bq.processor is not None:
-        clauses += processor_clause
+        # Either the processor values match, or the candidate job is
+        # processor-independent.
+        clauses.append(
+            Or(
+                BuildQueue.processor == bq.processor,
+                Is(BuildQueue.processor_id, None),
+            )
+        )
     return clauses
@@ -247,23 +253,26 @@ def estimate_job_delay(bq, builder_stats):
             return a == b
     my_platform = (getattr(bq.processor, "id", None), bq.virtualized)
-    query = """
-        SELECT
-            BuildQueue.processor,
-            BuildQueue.virtualized,
-            COUNT(,
-            CAST(EXTRACT(
-                EPOCH FROM
-                    SUM(BuildQueue.estimated_duration)) AS INTEGER)
-        FROM BuildQueue
-        WHERE
-        """
-    query += get_pending_jobs_clauses(bq)
-    query += """
-        GROUP BY BuildQueue.processor, BuildQueue.virtualized
-        """
-    delays_by_platform = IStore(BuildQueue).execute(query).get_all()
+    delays_by_platform = (
+        IStore(BuildQueue)
+        .find(
+            (
+                BuildQueue.processor_id,
+                BuildQueue.virtualized,
+                Count(,
+                Cast(
+                    Func(
+                        "date_part",
+                        "epoch",
+                        Sum(BuildQueue.estimated_duration),
+                    ),
+                    "integer",
+                ),
+            ),
+            *get_pending_jobs_clauses(bq),
+        )
+        .group_by(BuildQueue.processor_id, BuildQueue.virtualized)
+    )
     # This will be used to capture per-platform delay totals.
     delays = defaultdict(int)
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