Re: Can we run two while loops independently in one application?

2004-04-20 Thread S.Klumpp
Dear Haider Abbas, you can scan two different channels at the same time with the same AI Read if your hardware device is cabable of it, e.g. you must have one A/D converter for each channel. If you have one A/D converter only and your channels are multiplexed then it won't work. You can try

Why is the Application becoming very slow

2004-04-20 Thread hema
I am using DSC version 7.0 and have connected about 25 tags in tag engine to PLC and siemens drive. I also have about 15 tags connected directly through data socket. The problem is that when I run my application it becomes very slow and sometimes the PC also hangs. When I run this application with

Re: Feature request and how-to info for EXE icons

2004-04-20 Thread tmh
I always thought it was bizarre that LabVIEW's own icon editor can't be used to create an icon for a built application...

Comment modifier la police de carac

2004-04-20 Thread easysoft
Bonjour, Nous poss=E8dons le logiciel LABVIEW 7 et j'ai les questions suivantes : 1/ Comment modifier la police de caract=E8re (taille, gras, italique...) pour les =E9l=E9ments de la face avant d'un vi ? Merci.

Counter channels in VI Logger

2004-04-20 Thread Jamie Fraser
Hi, Are there any plans to allow use of counter channels in VI Logger? Specifically it would be useful to be able to create a period measurement channel and scale the interval measured to a physical value. For example, I measure flow rate from a gas meter that gives a pulse output when a certain

How to determin wich control has focus

2004-04-20 Thread vlipje
I'm using arrow keys to drive an external device. I catch the main vi key events and act on it. On this vi is also a textinput. When I navigate true is input with arrow keys the main vi events are also fired. That of course should not happen. Is there a way to distinguis between such events. Thus

Can we run two while loops independently in one application?

2004-04-20 Thread Haider Abbas
I am acquiring two channels using PCI-6052.both channels to be read at 2ks/s,but I want to scans read at a time different for each channel,So I put two AI-read vi's in two different while loops.but the second while loop waits until the first is completed.Can we run independently both while loops?

Re: sound generator application crashes

2004-04-20 Thread Arek
kevinm, It seems that the problem can be caused by SO and its interactions with the sound driver. Detailed description of this behaviour has been sent to our RD department for further investigation. Thank you for your feedback. Arkadiusz Roszczewski National Instruments

Re: how to read x and y position of curser

2004-04-20 Thread Thandal
thanks it's working fine

Parsing the bit pattern.

2004-04-20 Thread Van626
If I have a 32 bits number. How can I parse out a particular bit pattern? For example, I need to parse out this 32 bits to two 16 bits patterns, or any bit pattern. Thank you.

Re: Parsing the bit pattern.

2004-04-20 Thread John Lum
Check out the Number to Boolean Array function on the Boolean palette. I think this does exactly what you are after, and it's got a partner Boolean Array to Number function to go from a bit pattern back to a numeric. Hope it helps, John Lum National Instruments

Re: problem with NI- TIO Examples

2004-04-20 Thread isabelle.jean
Bonjour, NI-TIO n'est pas un drvier mais le chipset des cartes counter/timer. Ces derni=E8res sont utilis=E9es avec le driver NI-DAQ. Ainsi sur votre pc, vousne devez qu'installer le driver NI-DAQ et ensuite votre carte. Ci-joint un lien indiquant comment utiliser une ligne num=E9rique en tant


2004-04-20 Thread IMMA
Thanks a lot for your file, but the picture has a block that I can't find in my functions palette. Please send me, the address of the block that change a part of string for another piece.

Labview increasing memory usage

2004-04-20 Thread Andrewbft
When running Labview with TestStand, the memory usage of Labview increases every run of the sequence. Is there any reason for this?

functional circuit test

2004-04-20 Thread Shannon
I am assigned to write LabVIEW program and design a system for a functional circuit test system for a circuit that generates voltage and current. A bed of nails will be used in the FCT. Most of the signal acquired are digital signals and about 2 analog signals. I have never developed any FCT

Re: setting up a .net event hanler for msgqueue

2004-04-20 Thread JuanCarlos
Hi, Unfortunatelly LabVIEW does not support .NET events, if you must catch NET messages you can probably create a dll that catshes those events for you and transfers them to LabVIEW somehow. You may want to look at ActiveX to send data to LabVIEW, there is a quite complete interface that allows

Re: Why Do LV7 VIs Stop Executing When I Click on the Window Title Bar?

2004-04-20 Thread TimTower
Hi jhoskins. Thnaks for the feedback. I tried this, but it made no difference. My VI loops every 37 msec, and takes about 12-13 msec to read the data (2048 x i32 array). I am already using Wait until next ms multiple , with a value of 37 msec, to get the required loop time (which I calculatem

Re: Why Do LV7 VIs Stop Executing When I Click on the Window Title Bar?

2004-04-20 Thread damsem
Hi First question, is your dll call reentrant or running in the UI thread? It needs to be reentrant. Splitting it into to seperate VI's should help. What I would try is to have one VI with one loop running in the User Interface thread waiting for a queue. Once it receives the queue update the

Re: Why am I getting very high values for the very low frequency region of a random signal?

2004-04-20 Thread LocalDSP
Well, I understand now that you are measuring a time jitter and that your offset corresponds to the mean heart beat time of approx. 1000 ms. So again if you want to analyze the variation in frequency you need to remove the uninteresting dc. The huge value you see at 0.0033 (that is the first bin)

Enable Disabled Comm Port?

2004-04-20 Thread Bill Gilbert
Having my first experience with LV7 and Max 3.0.2 under Win2k In the process of trying out the software that came with a serial datalogger, I disabled COM1(the only rs232 port) in MAX. Maybe I didn't need to, but there you are. Now I want to get at it with Labview and VISA, but the Enable

Re: Why Do LV7 VIs Stop Executing When I Click on the Window Title Bar?

2004-04-20 Thread TimTower
Hi Dean. Thanks for the ideas. The VI was not re-entrant (since it is called in only one place, and has only one data set), but I tried making it plus its subvis re-entrant, as you suggested. No difference. FYI, I have observed that the problem only occurs within the VIs memory space - e.g. if I

writing binary files in block mode?

2004-04-20 Thread haji
I am sampling two channels in continuous mode using labview basic version. I would like to take the two arrays of values as I am sampling them and write them out in block mode to a binary file. What's the best way to do that?

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