Re: How disable and groyed the bottom until i want appear it!

2004-03-22 Thread Fonsi
Thank you dennis for the fast reply. Simply perfect!. regards.

How Can I execute an external program from my vi?

2004-02-11 Thread Fonsi
Hi guys, I want to execute a external program to use it when i called with a bottom. I want push a bottom and execute the program, like acess direct icon or so. Any help?.

Re: enter new line in text string in saved file when appear carriage return!

2004-02-11 Thread Fonsi
Hi Joe, thanks, I know i should to use \n and use ain vi to search the carriage return and put \n in this place, but i dont know how get it. Any example? Regards,jose.

Re: How Can I execute an external program from my vi?

2004-02-11 Thread Fonsi
Thanks Thomas it works. regards,jose

Re: enter new line in text string in saved file when appear carriage return!

2004-02-11 Thread Fonsi
Thanks Joe, Edit it is the best, I got it, run good. Regards,Jose.

Write hex code to pic with serial port, any example?

2004-02-11 Thread Fonsi
Hi guys, i have the hex code to write in the pic16f84 by the serial port. Have anyone a example program?. Or any advise?. Thanks, regards Jose.

Re: program pic 16f84 with labview from code c

2004-02-10 Thread Fonsi
Ok thanks!, but is it possible to call to external program compiler? with the vi to modified the text in c to hex and then with labview vi program the pic... dont is?. thanks, any help?.

Re: Problems with load multiple XYgraphs

2004-02-10 Thread Fonsi
Any help about the first error, i tried to remove the error but I am not to be able to solve it. I would like the legend plot name, at start the program was items, and i add curves, show the names and when i remove the any curve,it would remove the name, but i dont know how can i doing it...

Re: executable vi files in windows!

2004-01-13 Thread Fonsi
Thanks Greg! I have labview 7 express pro, but i dont find the application builder, in the custom install i dont see it neither. Is application builder into this cd?. thanks.

Re: executable vi files in windows!

2004-01-12 Thread Fonsi
Hi Wiebe, thanks for your reply! Yes, i want that my application run in other pc without install labview runtime. I assure to you, this program run in all pcs without install the lbrt or LV. Then, you say I only must to put the lbrt.dll in the directory. But Where i get the file?. Also I think

Re: executable vi files in windows!

2004-01-09 Thread Fonsi
thanks, but i say to get a file .exe to execute without use labview runtime, i dont worry if in the folder also be the files .dll. But how can i to transform the join files into dll to exe?. any manual... I send you the example program, its runing in windows without problem and its labview

multiple graphs in XYgraph!

2003-12-29 Thread Fonsi
Hi guys! I have a litle problem. I am using a program, to draw several curves in a only one xygraph, I have a while loop, i read from the file (spreadsheet file), each file take 2 curves (4 arrays). I want to open differents files into the graph, but when i draw one file, with i try to open other