Re: Waveform chart to polar graph

2004-06-18 Thread Phil747
Yes, it's much more simple than with the XY Graph, even if it's just a picture. For me, it's enough. But I've tried to change couple of things in the display without succes. I did not find the right properties to do those changes. First, it seems I can't resize the graph to have it take close to th

Waveform chart to polar graph

2004-06-17 Thread Phil747
Hi, I'm acquiring data from an instrument that I display on a Waveform Chart. All the data is between 0.98 and 1.02 approximately. Instead of displaying it on a waveform chart, I want to display it as a circle. I've tried to convert it (my data (R) around 1.00 and an increment (t) to use Rcos(t) an

2004-06-14 Thread Phil747
Hi, I got a little question: I'm using the express subVI "" to display the front panel of a subVI on my principal VI front panel. When the execution of my VI is over, the subVI disapears from the Subpanel. Is it possible to keep it there? Thanks Phil

Reading in a loop

2004-06-01 Thread Phil747
First, I want to thank all of you who answered to any of my questions, I appreciate it and it helps me to progress a lot. My actual question is about reading in a loop. I read a string (Visa read) of a specified lenght of bytes from my serial port. This visa read is in a while loop, and I'd like to

Excution time counter

2004-05-31 Thread Phil747
Hi, I got a simple little question: I've search without succes for a function or Express VI that justs return me the time of an execution of my application. I'm reading data from an external device and I need to check about frequency. So, if there's a way to get my execution time (not just the rea

Ballbar Communication (SAGA) - Progressing :)

2004-05-17 Thread Phil747
Thanks again for severals answers to my previous question. My problem was that, when I was using the "Basic_Serial_Write_and_Read" VI to communicate with the ballbar (serial port), I was getting an error about accessing the port. Then, with the answers I got, I ensured that MAX and Hyperterminal we

Serial Port - Ballbar 2

2004-05-12 Thread Phil747
I first want to thank Dennis Knutson for his answer to my previous question about the ballbar and serial communication. I'm now able to communicate with it using MAX. But when I try to use the Labview "Basic_Serial_Write_and_Read" VI, I instantly get an error saying "Error -1073807246 occurred at P

Serial Communication - Double Ballbar

2004-05-10 Thread Phil747
Hi, I've just passed through "Labview Basics 1: Introduction" and now I'm trying to communicate with a Ballbar (from Renishaw) through a serial port. After having tried severals examples from the manual about VISA communication, I've downloaded the following example from the website: "Basic_Serial_