
I am sorry to create so much fuzz, hopefully my explanation below is
better to understand. So I hope you can help me.

Your understanding so far is correct: =93Every time an element in the
first column satisfies some value, it corresponding value in the
second column is set aside in an array to be used later.=94

The original array contains two columns; the first column contains a
time stamp, the second column the actual measurement. I want to split
this array into portions based on the values of the first column.
Initial it should check if the value in the first column starting at
index 0 satisfies condition X and put the corresponding value from the
second column in a split array, it should continue (continuing from
index 1,2,=85,n) to do so until the value from the first column does not
satisfy condition 1 anymore. Then it should calculate some statistics
over the split array (summation, number of samples, etc).
After this the process should begin all over again starting to check
if the value from the first column (starting at index n + 1) satisfies
condition X +1 , and so on until there are no more values in the first

I managed to create a VI (attached to first post) that does all of the
above without any problem as long as for all subsequent conditions at
least one satisfying value from the first column can be found. E.g if
for condition 10 no satisfying value from the first column can be
found the first value from the next condition (in this case 11) is
considered to belong to condition 10 and from that value the
statistics are calculated. Instead it should consider that for
condition 10 the value from the second column is 0.

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