Re: How can I display a TTL-Signal immpressed at a parallel port?

2004-06-17 Thread ThomasD
Hello, enclosed there is an application note which shows how to work with the serial port. If there are example codes for similar issues, you can find them here.

Re: How to call LabVIEW from TestDirector

2004-06-04 Thread ThomasD
Hello, in this case you have to contact Mercury for more informations. There are no experiences in this way from the LV side. Regards Thomas D. NI Germany (SRQ 204139)

Re: Bug in edit items... of textpicture ring

2004-06-03 Thread ThomasD
Hello, this problem should be solved in the next LabView version. For the moment, there is no really good workaround. But I suggest to use a strict type defn control for this ring if it is used in several places in the program. This way you just need to update the original control and the

Re: Is there any way to count how many cycles there has been using Function Generator VI??

2004-06-02 Thread ThomasD
Hello, there some functions in the Frontpanel under NI-Messtechnik--Datenerfassung--Z=E4hler--Ereignis oder Zeit z=E4hlen or Data Acquisition--Counter which you can use possibility. I=B4ve you like to search for example codes visit the following link

Re: Problems by running PCI-6602 cards on an ASUS MB A7N8X-E Deluxe!

2004-05-06 Thread ThomasD
Hello Sven, does the error only occur on this PCI-Slot? Does the other PCI-6602 work fine in this PCI-Slot? Actually it seems that all has to work. I have no entries about this board in my database. Is the probleme then only seen on the one PCI Slot with only one of the 6602-Card? Regards Thomas

Re: write data to open excel sheet

2004-05-04 Thread ThomasD
Hello, there is an example which should help to solve the problem. Regards Thomas D. NI Germany (SRQ 196106)

Re: When I buid an application, the vision image display is black.

2004-03-22 Thread ThomasD
licensed. Which Version is used from the vision image display? You can also check, when there is used any hardware if the drivers are the same on both systems. The current version is 2.6. With your answers, we should get a solution for the problem. ThomasD

Re: When I buid an application, the vision image display is black.

2004-03-22 Thread ThomasD
Which NI-IMAQ driver Version is installed on your target PC? The current Version is 2.6.1. If you don=B4t have this Version on the target PC, install this Version after deleting the old one. The current Version offers the two following VIs Image Display and Image Display Classic which are needed.