Re: Can I update numeric control value from global parameter or other source while running VI

2004-06-06 Thread nayisoe
Control cannot control the other control. If you want to just display the value, make it to indicator. May be I dont fully understand your question. If you dont mind, please explain more about your problem what exectly you want to do.

Re: Is there something to reset all indicators when the VI is open?

2004-05-20 Thread nayisoe
For resetting graphs and Charts, you should look at the example that ship with LV. Simply type Clear graph and chart in the find example feature. For the rest control and indicator, you can do as mention above.

Re: how can I tell which subVI changed?

2004-04-13 Thread nayisoe
Sometimes, you duplicate your subvi and save in several location. Thats why you faced this problem. One way to solve is use library to save all your sub vi including your main vi.

Re: How to make accurate time tracking in LabVIEW?

2004-03-30 Thread nayisoe
please insert 50ms delay in the big while loop. No wonder it eats my CPU alot. thanks.

Re: Different front panels within the same VI in LV

2004-03-12 Thread nayisoe
well, there are several ways of doing this. you can use VI server, you can use open front panel when called. Try this link,a href=$_6_UCATEGORY_S=0; here/a

Re: 1000 Responses

2004-03-10 Thread nayisoe
Ben, Congregations to you! You contribute a lot to this forum. Just wondering how much time do the top enthusiasts spend for this forum a week? I saw most of the top enthusiast=92s names in the other forums too

Re: How to set the correct time scale of VI ?

2004-03-09 Thread nayisoe
Change the Scaling factors to 2004 or whatever date you want which is under X Scale formatting option.

Re: get value out of while loope, before while loope is finished

2004-03-08 Thread nayisoe
By using the global and local, actually you can pass the value but it just that it is not executing the passed value. LabVIEW will first finished executing the inner loop first then it will go to other tasks. Why you use inner and outer loop? If you want to pass the value before it finished, my

Re: I have a digital storage oscilloscope tektronix 2430,and an...

2004-03-07 Thread nayisoe
Hi there, My suggestion is start try with MAX to communicate with your scope, Download the driver for the scope from And from there you can get started. Good Luck and if you need any help, just post in this forum.

Re: A GPIB remote panel question

2004-02-16 Thread nayisoe
The easiest way of doing this is using web publishing tool. Check the user manual for more detail. Also you can use VI server, datasocket to accomplish this. You can find several example regarding VI server and datasocket that ship with labview. Good Luck.

Re: I want my application to have a main menu(vi) and few

2004-02-09 Thread nayisoe
Thanks for your advice, Liz F.

Re: need a simple VI to convert voltage into sound

2004-01-09 Thread nayisoe

Re: unable to speak with the HP34401A per my soft, despite it is possible with MAX

2004-01-08 Thread nayisoe
GPIB::XX is wrong, it suppose to be GPIB0::XX or GPIB1:XX. Check with the manual. If it doesnt sovle the problem, post your vi that cant work. May be somebody can help here.

Re: Is it possible to automatically create file names?

2004-01-08 Thread nayisoe
Hi timohe, I dont know what you really want to do. If you want to save your measured data as a text file, there is a lot of option in File I/O functions. Or if you want to save your front panel image, you can use property node to get your front panel image. Or you can do the datalogging of your

Re: unable to speak with the HP34401A per my soft, despite it is possible with MAX

2004-01-08 Thread nayisoe
Is It Sorry, I never try that before! Thanks, I try it tomorrow.

Re: unable to speak with the HP34401A per my soft, despite it is possible with MAX

2004-01-08 Thread nayisoe
Post your vi to the forum and somebody can help you out.