> And the ability to get multiple functions at once! shift-click and get
> the create, enqueue, dequeue, and destroy.

There's a feature in LV7.0 for the diagram (doesn't work on controls) that
you right click and you'll get the palette that the object came from. So if
you drop Enqueue from the palettes, right click on Enqueue and the Queue
palette will be in your popup list. Saves having to pin and puts deep
palettes fairly close at hand. In general, our observation is that you
don't really want the same icon you've used most recently -- people who
want that tend to copy/paste -- but rather other things associated with
your most recently used. We've got some ideas for continuing along this
line of palette development, but I thought I'd point out one that's
available today.

Stephen R. Mercer
-= LabVIEW R&D =-

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