Re: A GPIB remote panel question

2004-02-18 Thread jackolim
Guess i know what u mean. I have to get my own server that is accessible to other users so i can upload my VI. Thank you.

Re: A GPIB remote panel question

2004-02-17 Thread Sean C.
Hello Jackolim, Thank you for contacting National Instruments. What do you want your remote panel to do? There are basically two different methods. In one you just monitor your front panel over the internet, like screen shots. The other method allows you to actually adjust the controls

Re: A GPIB remote panel question

2004-02-16 Thread nayisoe
The easiest way of doing this is using web publishing tool. Check the user manual for more detail. Also you can use VI server, datasocket to accomplish this. You can find several example regarding VI server and datasocket that ship with labview. Good Luck.

A GPIB remote panel question

2004-02-16 Thread jackolim
Hi all, I have created a VI that make use of GPIB to control some of my lab equipment. The problem now i face is how can i set this VI as a remote panel for internet. I have a free website under . How can I do such a remote panel thing? thanks