Re: In NI Spy why is there not a buffer tab for viReadAsync commands?

2004-03-08 Thread Russell G.
I assume that you=92re accessing NI-SPY from the Measurement and Automation Explorer (MAX). What version of MAX are you using? Version displays the commands such as =93ibrda=94, or =93ibrwrta=94. If you double-click on these, the four tabbed dialog box appears with the tabs labeled

Re: In NI Spy why is there not a buffer tab for viReadAsync commands?

2004-03-04 Thread rabbit
Hi, Thanks for the response. I am using Labview 6.0.2 and do understand the function and that it has a read buffer. Using the function in Labview returns the buffer data to the vi. This is not a problem. The problem is in NI Spy. When I go to view the properties for each call there are only