Hello Dave M,

Thank you for contacting National Instruments.

Saving to and reading from large library files is very memory
intensive.  This is most likely leading to your error.

Please refer to the LabVIEW User Manual (Chapter 7, pp. 12-13) at the
following link:


The following Knowledge Base is also useful:


The recommended limit of VIs in a library is 255.  This number can
vary depending on you memory capacity.  It is also recommended that
your libraries not exceed 1 MB in size.

To avoid this error, you might want to consider dividing your library
into multiple libraries.  Put your high-level VIs in one library and
group other VIs by function.

Alternatively, you can save your VIs in a Development Distribution
directory by selecting File >> Save with Options... and selecting the
Development Distribution option.

Let me know if you need any more help.

Sean C.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

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