I need to insert in a VI something like the "Tools palette", that can
be anabled or disabled via menu programmatically. The behavior should
be the same as the Window-->Show Tools palette option in LabVIEW front
panel menu: the main VI continue running and performing his tasks, and
when a menu item is selected, a sub VI that implements the floating
palette is executed and stays always on top.
The menu is controlled trough the event structure.

The question is: i've tried to set the palette vi whit the option <is
modal> enabled. The palette vi stays always on top (ok), but the main
VI is "frozen" (stil running but when you press the mouse button it
doesn't respond).
The palette vi is called with the property <wait until done>=false.

Any suggestion or workaround?

Eugenio Navacchia,
Università di Bologna.

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