Hi Chris.

Yes, we are using LV 6.1 with Win XP Embedded.
While XP Embedded is just more like Win XP than anything else,
there is no problem at all. It has no reduced GUI like CE and full
p&p support.

    - Use the EWF.
    - Start the EWF from the registry and not from a EWF partition
      if  you want to use compact flash cards.
    - Use two CF-cards one for XP embedded and your app and
      one for your data
    - Protect your system partition with the EWF
    - Look at the MS pages and fetch the latest EWF update.
    - READ eveything very carefully - otherwise ther will be days of
      painfull learning.
    - Use a 512MB CF-card while 256MB are oftly not enough when
      using network and filesharing and some devices. And it gives you
      some room to store your data on this CF too.
    - There are CF-cards on the market with industrial grade -40°C..85°C
      from SanDisk etc.

LV creats files in the Windows temp folder. Dont be annoyed of it. While the
EWF is running XP doesn't stors anything on your system CF card it just
like it. All write transactions are just inside RAM. If you have enough
memory you can
run the installation, start you app and see how it works and after the next
everything ist gone. This is a very nice feature because your app can not
destroy anything
just by writing to the CF-card.
I think there should be no problem with LV 7.
Mit freundlichem Gruß

      Martin Kunze

KDI Digital Instrumentation
Kardinal von Galen Str. 21
26133 Oldenburg
Tel:   +49 (0)441-9490852
FAX: +49 (0)441-9490853

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