
I feel your pain. XP is the more quirky OS’s. In an IMAQ application I’ve
done. We took identical computers and tested our application install and
performance on Win98, ME, NT4, Win2000 and XP machines. Each machine was
identical hardware wise and XP was the worse for problems: (we actually had
no problems on the other Windows Versions)

P1: NI installer reported an error during install on XP – the error code
indicated a corrupt install volume – not true the same install CD worked
fine on the other 4 machines.
P2: I was using a technique of placing the LabVIEW dlls with the exe to
allow the install application which I wrote in LabVIEW to run off the CD
without needing LabVIEW runtime. This worked on all the other OS’s but XP –
I had to move the dlls to the root directly for it to work on XP.
P3: The application would crash on XP during come IMAQ image draws – we
identified the cause was writing a negative number to the image. Which is
allowed in 16-bit images and worked again fine on the other OS’s.
P4: We removed the DAQ card after installing and testing the application –
we put the card back in and MAX on the XP machine never recognized the card
again. I’ve had this happen occasionally on Win2000. I can be corrected by
‘uninstalling hardware’ via the hardware wizard. In XP the hardware wizard
only allows device installation. (no removal) XP seemingly ‘saw’ the card
returned, but never properly flagged the device to MAX – which never saw the
card again. Even uninstalling and reinstalling MAX and the card did NOT
resolve this.

Therefore we don’t recommend XP

Jack Hamilton
Hamilton Design
714-839-6375 Office

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