Subject: USB-serial
From: "tim wen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2004 17:20:11 -0800

has anyone used a USB-to-mulitiport RS232 adaptor with LV ?
i need up to 8 serial ports, or 2 of 4-ports.

I've used several types of USB<--> serial, Qua tech and the UC232A dongles.
They can generally be got to work (Dongles don't work for 7bit bytes) but
they are unstable. In some cases the port allocations move between bootups
and in others they just dont work until the seventh boot while you have your
fingers crossed. I replaces two of these with a B&B twin serial card in a
recent application and hey more troubles. The QuaTech 16 port
board could only manage two functional ports, but tryuly it did this fairly

Buy a decent plug in board!

Has anybody had much luck with PCP/IP to serial boxes.  I tried teh Vlinx
twin serial box but it responds slowly to continuous transmissions.

Yours SIncerely

John Brohan         National Instruments LabVIEW expert in Montreal
Traders Micro         "We connect all sorts of things to computers"
317 Barberry Place DDO Montreal PQ Canada H9G 1V3 Tel (514)995-3749

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