Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

A woman convicted of brutally murdering an elderly man is joining a
handful of women on death row in Texas.

Brittany Marlowe Holberg was sentenced Friday night to death by lethal
injection following her March 13 capital murder conviction in the death
of A.B. Towery on Nov. 13, 1996.

The murder occurred after Holberg went on a crack cocaine binge.

When the 25-year-old heard her sentence, she gasped ``Oh My God,'' and
collapsed on her attorney.

An autopsy showed Holberg beat 80-year-old Towery about the head, then
stabbed him 58 times before shoving a lamp stand about 5 inches down his

After deliberating 11 hours, the jury decided she constitutes a
continuing threat to society, so 25lst State District Judge Patrick
Pirtle sentenced Holberg to death.

Guards escorted the woman from the courtroom, but she returned minutes

Holberg's family and friends were overcome with tears, too, but Towery's
son, Russell Towery, said he was happy with the outcome.

At trial, Holberg testified that Towery became angry when he found her
crack pipe and smacked her twice in the back of the head.

At one point in the struggle, she ``lost it,'' she said, and fatally
attacked Towery.
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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