Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

March 22 —New polls showed Saturday that the
               grand jury proceedings have already taken a toll on
               public faith in President Clinton’s personal morals.
                    The same polls indicated the credibility of Clinton
               Kathleen Willey is also in serious doubt. But a new
               emerged Saturday to corroborate one heavily disputed
               aspect of her story.
                    Despite the controversies, the president’s job
               rating holds strong, ranging between 59 percent and 67
               percent in three new public opinion surveys released this

               Personal Approval Sees Drop 
               But a survey conducted by Democratic pollster Celinda
               and Republican Ed Goeas for U.S. News and World Report
               showed that just 36 percent of Americans approve of him
               a person and 50 percent disapprove.
                    His approval as a person is down 6 percentage points
               from last December, before detailed allegations were
               about alleged sexual relations with Lewinsky and what
               says was an unwanted sexual contact with her just outside
               Oval Office.
                    But among Democratic women, Clinton suffered a much
               steeper decline of 19 percentage points.
                    A Newsweek poll released Saturday found that 43
               percent of those surveyed said should leave office if
               accusations are true and Clinton lied about it under
oath. But
               31 percent said he should be able to stay in office if he
               apologizes to the American people and 18 percent
               volunteered that no apology would be necessary.
                    A CNN/Time poll, which was conducted three days
               Willey’s nationally televised charges March 15, indicated
               half of Americans (52 percent) believe Clinton has
engaged in
               a “pattern of sexual misconduct.” 

               Public Split Over Willey 
               Respondents were split over whether to believe Willey and
               nearly half (48 percent) said she went public with her
               for monetary gain.
                    One disputed aspect of Willey’s story—that she
               details of the 1993 alleged encounter with Clinton to her
               friend, Julie Hiatt Steele, right after it happened—was
               corroborated Saturday by Richmond, Va., television
               producer Bill Poveromo.
                    In an affidavit that Clinton’s lawyers have used to
               undercut Willey’s credibility, Steele swore that Mrs.
               never mentioned the incident when it happened and later
               asked Steele to lie and say that she was told in 1993
               Clinton’s alleged unwanted pass.
                    Poveromo, who works for WWBT-TV, told The
               Associated Press that Steele, his friend of several
               confided in him over dinner at her home last April that
               president had groped Kathy (Willey) and that Julie did
               about it right after it happened.”
                    Steele later changed her story in the affidavit and
in press
               reports “because she freaked and panicked,” Poveromo
                    Nancy Luque, Steele’s Washington attorney, said:
               absolutely stands by her affidavit. She did not tell
               that the Clinton-Willey encounter occurred because she
               didn’t ever believe that it had.”
                    Newsweek’s March 19-20 telephone survey of 750
               adults had a 4-percentage point margin of error. The
               CNN/Time poll, conducted March 18-19 among 1,032
               adult Americans claims a 3-point sampling error.
Pollsters for
               U.S. News questioned 1,005 registered voters March 17-19
               and also claimed a margin of error of 3 percentage
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