Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Linda :)

I didn't see the show that Sue was talking about but I have thought a
bit on my feelings towards camera's in the courtroom. I am mainly for
it, due to the fact it gives a lot of people the chance to see our
justice system at work, something most people never get to see. 

The upside if a trial is going to be televised I would think that
lawyers on both sides make sure they have their case completely prepared
and all the I's dotted and T's crossed. I do think the camera's does
have some affect on how the attorney's try their case, it would be
foolish to think otherwise IMHO. Is that good or bad? I don't know the
jury is still out on that. We saw some of the bad in the OJ trial, yet
in other trials I have watched I have seen how watching the case had
helped me understand the juries decision.

The downside is sometimes I see the attorneys acting for the camera and
they forget their focus should be to impress the jury not the audience
with their case. And some attorneys are very nervous, but usually they
settle down after a day or so and forget about the camera. 

The question then comes to the defendant is this fair to them? Shouldn't
they have a say in this? I would think if they're innocent it would help
them, OTOH if they are guilty and so judged it would make it harder for
them if they appeal and get the case dismissed since the public would
still be convinced they are guilty. It's a fine line concerning the
defendant IMHO. Yet since we do have camera's in courts I can't see us
ever reversing that.

Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff wrote:
> "Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Sue, you mentioned seeing a program on cameras in the courtroom, what
> were the pros and cons? What does this group think, do you think it
> encourages acting by the lawyers or principals (plaintiffs, defendants)
> or distractions for the judge or jury -- or the other way around !!!
> Sue, did the program stimulate any thoughts on whether we can generalize
> about c's in the c?  Looking forward to a discussion, :) LDMF (next
> thing we know there will be e-mail to the courtroom, or to specific
> people in the courtroom sitting there with laptops and engaging in chat
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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