Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) and Judiciary Committee
Chairman Henry J. Hyde (R-Ill.) met yesterday and agreed to send a small
group of House members to examine evidence assembled by independent
counsel Kenneth W. Starr's investigation of President Clinton to
if there is any basis for the committee to consider impeachment charges,
according to officials who had been briefed by both men.

No timetable was set, but the officials said they contemplate
contacts in the near future with Starr on the status of his four-year

Neither Gingrich nor Hyde has met with Starr, and their plans appeared
be proceeding on a separate track from those of the independent counsel.
Lawyers in Starr's office are working on a draft report for Congress but
have not yet determined its scope or timing.

The Gingrich-Hyde agreement came after several days of public sparring
over leaks suggesting Gingrich might bypass the Judiciary Committee --
traditional venue for impeachment -- and appoint a select committee to
consider the Clinton case. Officials said the speaker and the veteran
Republican emerged from their one-on-one meeting "in tandem" on how
the first steps toward possible consideration of impeachment charges

Their plan envisages appointment of a small group of House members,
drawn primarily but perhaps not exclusively from Hyde's committee. The
select panel would examine evidence assembled by Starr's probe of
financial transactions by Clinton and his wife, primarily during the
and the more recent allegations of Clinton's lying about his relations
with a
number of women and trying to obstruct justice related to their
Hyde, who bridled at earlier suggestions that Gingrich might preempt his
committee, told the speaker he would be willing to accept some members
from outside the committee in order to assure broader support in the
House for whatever recommendations the smaller group might make,
officials said.

Sources have said Gingrich is concerned that some of the more partisan
junior Republicans on the committee might damage the credibility of

Gingrich and Hyde agreed the panel would be bipartisan, presumably
meaning that the Democratic leadership would decide the makeup of the
minority side.

Hyde recommended that the group examine Starr's evidence at the office
of the independent counsel to avoid being bound by House rules making
material in the files of any standing committee available to any member
the House. He said that would give Starr assurance that evidence
critical to
possible future criminal prosecutions would not become public
Officials said the speaker and Hyde agreed that if the small group
it had seen evidence sufficient to suggest the possibility of an
offense, it might ask Starr to sum up the case against Clinton and ask
president's attorneys to offer their rebuttal.

Only then, according to the plan, would this group recommend to the
Judiciary Committee whether a formal impeachment investigation be

Starr's office already is preparing a report for Congress detailing the
evidence of possible perjury and obstruction by Clinton in the Monica S.
Lewinsky matter. The independent counsel's office has not yet decided
whether to supplement that report -- which it hopes to complete within
or three months -- with evidence suggesting there have been patterns of
perjury and obstruction in other areas of the Whitewater financial
investigation, or to treat Whitewater issues in a separate report.

Starr's office also has been considering timing and procedural issues
could be dramatically affected by the current Gingrich-Hyde scenario.
Prosecutors have been mulling how quickly to dispatch the report --
whether, for example, to send it promptly even if it's not entirely
or to wait until testimony from all witnesses before Starr's grand jury
obtained, according to lawyers who have some knowledge of discussions
taking place among them.

Lewinsky, whose claims of a sexual relationship with Clinton in
tape-recorded conversations with a friend sparked the current phase of
investigation, has not yet testified. For nearly two months, her lawyers
been sparring with prosecutors in an attempt to obtain complete immunity
for any testimony. Starr has threatened her with prosecution for perjury
related to an affidavit in which she denied any sexual relationship with
president, and the matter still could take many months to resolve.

As Starr's prosecutors begin drafting their report, knowledgeable
said they are concerned that they not look as if they are acting in a
manner -- either by rushing the report or taking so long that its
coincides with the fall election campaign.

Prosecutors also have been considering whether they need any sort of
court approval to send to Congress a report that contains grand jury
evidence, including tape recordings, depositions and physical evidence.
The same concern presumably would arise if members of Congress were
to ask to examine such evidence at Starr's office.

Prosecutors also have to decide whether the report would address the
unresolved legal question of whether a sitting president can be indicted
criminal charges.

Both Gingrich and Hyde cautioned associates not to assume that the
procedure they have developed implies a belief that Clinton has
impeachable offenses.

Their agreement also left somewhat vague the timing and mechanism of any
possible handoff of responsibility from the small group they envisage
sending down to Starr's office to the jurisdiction of the Judiciary

Congressional Republicans generally have expressed skepticism, as a
matter of political reality, that impeachment would proceed if Clinton
continues to enjoy the broad public support almost every poll has
since the Lewinsky allegations became public in January.

But additional revelations in depositions taken for the pending civil
trial in
the separate Paula Jones sexual harassment case against Clinton
have convinced House Republican leaders that they may be called upon to
consider the first impeachment charges agains a president since the
Judiciary Committee sent a three-count bill of impeachment against
President Richard M. Nixon to the full House in 1974. Nixon resigned
before the House could vote to make him stand trial in the Senate on
Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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