Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi all :) 

Yes tempers flare at times, as we all know that :) Let's take a breath,
step back and reconsider some things said in anger are not truly meant,
yet once spoken are hard to retract.

Something for all to consider, we are all adults we joined this list to
discuss and have some pretty intelligent discussions about high profile
law cases and issues in the news, 98% of the time that is achieved, yet
every once in a while someone says something that touches a raw nerve
and the mentality and maturity level tends to take a nose dive to the
point a referee (Me) has to step in and try to stop things.

So now why do I need a break? Lets go into the details. The two recent
trials both involving child murders bothered the crap out of me, since I
have a private experience with that and it brings up stuff I personally
don't care to remember, especially since they were on going when the
anniversary of my sons death came and went. I do NOT mind covering
trials for this list and I think it's something I should do if the list
likes it, but after seeing the dead children yep I wanted a break to
escape from so called reality for a bit, I then received the message
about my histories through all this. I have been able to do one up so
far for the schools, so I'm happy for that. 

Tonight I open up my email and what do I have, believe it or not I have
13 emails all saying "Private", I haven't read them all and I haven't
replied to any, I will get to that to those who wrote. But Jesus Christ
folks I'm one person, maybe in my position I'm not allowed to have
feelings or to express them, well I do have them. I try to keep them off
the list if possible sometimes I fail in that I know but I'm sick of the
fights and the bitching.

Your adults act like it, if you can't settle things between yourselves
and you think you need a mediator fine let me know, but perhaps just
perhaps instead of asking for me to mediate you could just as easily
ignore the poster that offends or sets you off. It's not really that
hard and people won't think any less of you, matterfact they may even
appreciate you not replying to the offensive post. It takes a better
person to walk away from a insult than it does to reply and start a
flame war. There are plenty of times I am attacked and called some
pretty cruel names yep I could go off also or just do as usual ignore it
and move on.

Okay I've said my piece, some may say I don't have the right, well I
don't care, I do have feelings also. I didn't undertake the running of
this list to be a babysitter for bitchers anonymous I started it to
discuss legal cases and issues, let's get back to that. If you find this
post offensive and wrong and think I have stepped out of line I
apologize in advance for that. 

Guess I'll go find a interesting case that perhaps we can discuss
instead of discussing and dissing each other. 
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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