Op 26/12/2022 om 16:09 schreef Michael Van Canneyt:

It could be that the support for High-DPI is messing with your forms. If the messagedialog works, it shows that the form is loaded and being shown.
Probably it has size zero.

So maybe check the form sizes in the lfm file, also check whether a
LCLVersion is being streamed. If so, maybe change its value to


Hi Michael,

The application is intended to run on a small screen (i.e. 1280x1024). But I developed the application on a wide screen, so the forms were not visible on the small screen of the Windows PC. Your suggestion to look at the lfm solved the problem of not being able to edit/see the forms. The problem when the application runs was similar. I store the place and size of the forms in an ini-file (iniPropStorage). And I copied that ini-file from my development machine to the windows machine.
Once I modified that ini-file I was able to see the GUI.



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