Works great! Thanks!
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> On Dec 9, 2014, at 22:23, Chris Kelling wrote:
> RealNumber := 1.5;
> FloatToStr(RealNumber:2,RealStr);
> DbeditBox.text := RealStr
> The ":2" specifies the number of decimal. If you were using WRITE to output
> to the console, it would look like
RealNumber := 1.5;
DbeditBox.text := RealStr
The ":2" specifies the number of decimal. If you were using WRITE to output to
the console, it would look like:
RealNumber := 13.3456;
writeln('Number = ',RealNumber:3:2);
Which would output
Number = 13.34
The firs
How do I get a real number to display as a decimal in a dbedit instead of an
exponential number?
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