
I'm trying to run Lazarus 0.9.9 on an AMD Opteron running 64 bit Redhat Linux 
and FPC 2.0.0.x86_64. I managed to make and run the IDE, but get lots of access 
violations when clicking on certain menus, apparently something to do with 
assigning a value to a scrollbar e.g. clicking on Environment | Debugger 
Options results in the following error: Error reading 
DebuggerOptionsForm.HorizScrollBar.Page. A similar error is seen when clicking 
on Help | About.  The popup hints seems to display a rectangle over the text.

Creating a new application works fine, but when I try to save a blank new form, 
I get the following error: Unable to save Form1: TForm1. Access violation.  If 
I clikc on Ignore, I can run the blank application without problems.  If I drop 
a component e.g. a Tlabel on the form and press run I get the same error.  If I 
click Ignore, the app runs and the form displays without the label.

Opening an example project such as /examples/barchart generates many errors 
starting with: Error reading TForm1.HorixScrollBar.Page: Access violation.  
Clicking Ignore leads to another error: Error reading TForm1.[][]: Division by 
zero.  After canceling the form is displayed as text in the editor.  The 
console output for loading this example is shown below.

Does anyone knows why I got these erros?

$ ./lazarus
TApplication.IconChanged - TODO: convert this message...no implementation in 
gtk or win32
NOTE: codetools config file not found - using defaults
NOTE: help options config file not found - using defaults
TPascalParserTool.BuildTree B OnlyIntf=True  
/home/hattinc1/downloads/lazarus/examples/barchart/frmmain.pas True
TMainIDE.DoLoadLFM AncestorClassName=TForm AncestorType=TForm
[TJITComponentList.ReaderError] "Error reading TForm1.HorzScrollBar.Page: 
Access violation" ignoring=TRUE
TJITComponentList.ReaderPropertyNotFound TForm1.ï¿¿
TCustomFormEditor.JITListPropertyNotFound TJITForms Instance=TForm1 
PropName="ï¿¿" IsPath=FALSE
ERROR in LCL: TLRSObjectReader.SkipValue unknown valuetype
Creating gdb catchable error:
[TJITComponentList.ReaderError] "Error reading TForm1.ï¿¿: Division by zero" 
TJITComponentList.ReaderPropertyNotFound TForm1.rtScrollBar
TCustomFormEditor.JITListPropertyNotFound TJITForms Instance=TForm1 
PropName="rtScrollBar" IsPath=TRUE
ERROR in LCL: TLRSObjectReader.SkipValue unknown valuetype
Creating gdb catchable error:
[TJITComponentList.ReaderError] "Error reading 
TBarChart       BarChart1DepthCaptionMy Data
C: Division by zero" ignoring=TRUE
[TJITComponentList.ReaderError] "Read Error" ignoring=TRUE
[TJITComponentList.AddJITChildComponentFromStream] ERROR reading form stream of 
Class 'TForm1' Error: Read Error
ERROR: streaming failed 
TPascalParserTool.BuildTree B OnlyIntf=True  
TPascalParserTool.BuildTree B OnlyIntf=True  
TPascalParserTool.BuildTree B OnlyIntf=True  
TPascalParserTool.BuildTree B OnlyIntf=True  
TPascalParserTool.BuildTree B OnlyIntf=True  
TPascalParserTool.BuildTree B OnlyIntf=True  
TPascalParserTool.BuildTree B OnlyIntf=True  
TPascalParserTool.BuildTree B OnlyIntf=True  
TPascalParserTool.BuildTree B OnlyIntf=True  

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