Hi All-

I understand the Church may be planning to develop an official online system for tracking/reporting Home and Visiting Teaching, integrated into MLS and the local unit web sites? Below is a pointer to an unofficial one that has been in use in my stake for a few years now. It has proven itself simple but effective. I was not the original developer of it, nor do I have his OK right now to offer the code. The system was originally designed as a *temporary* solution until the Church released an even better, official version, which we were told was slated for late 2006 or 2007.

I'm sharing it here as a proof-of-concept, just to encourage discussion from those of you who have also put your head around this problem, have maybe seen an even better implementation, and may have some "lessons learned" to share with any listening ears at the Church.

I work for a tech/entertainment company where developers are constantly being reminded to involve the end-users early-on in the specification and design of a tool, rather that just asking users for their feedback after their done (or worse, releasing and not asking). I think it's an invaluable lesson. I suspect, though maybe others can confirmed, that not many ward and stake clerks were involved in the design of MLS, which is unfortunate, though I am grateful for MLS for what it is.

Here's a mock ward.  Go ahead and submit reports and generate summaries.

1) Go to: http://www.queezy.com/ht/
2) Submit an bogus report for a companionship,
3) Lastly, go here: http://www.queezy.com/ht/admin/ and view your comments you just submitted at "Generate a Report". The admin password is "LDSOSS". If you look at Septembers report, most of the comments are copied and pasted from actual reports from my ward (of course, changing the names to protect the innocent).

How it works:
Companionships and assignments are made in MLS, and exported once per month via the standard "HomeTeaching.csv" and "VisitingTeaching.csv" files. The CSV file is uploaded once per month to the system through the admin page. Admin's can enable or disable reporting for each month. Users have until the 10th of the month before the "default" month switches to the current month (although you can still report for any month that is "enabled"). It tracks visit history, very similar to MLS, only leaders don't have to manually do it like in MLS. (The demo only has two months of historical data!) The confidential month-end report gets passed on to the Bishop.

I believe the strength of the system is the month-end report that you can generate on the Admin page which includes home or visiting teachers' comments. In addition, presidencies like it because gathering reports is much less time consuming and the usefulness of the reports is much higher.

It could sure use tighter integration into MLS and the ward web sites. Because of the bottle-neck that the ward computer tends to be, companionships and assignments should really be made editable via the ward website in addition to MLS, sync'ed.

Also, right now the assignments are viewable to the entire quorum/ group. It would be better if the web site knew who you were when you logged in and gave you access only to your assignment. Unless that is, you've been given privilages to edit companionships and assignments, but currently, levels of privilages based on one's Church calling, is a concept missing from the ward websites.

Maybe others have ideas as well.

Let me know if this raises any questions or I can help explain anything further,


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