I have posted the first release candidate (rc1) of Dachstein on my website:

Just today, I made a large number of changes in the weblet pages, finally
converting to the much more attractive pages designed by Justin Ribeiro.  I
also migrated the cgi-scripts to use the new layout.  If there are any new
bugs, they are probably in changes I made to the web pages, so please a
close look at the weblet pages by all new Dachstein users would be
appreciated.  Note that the web pages are a fair amount larger, but I think
the better look makes up for the extra space.  Also, I added the java
bandwidth applet for convinence, which is huge.  If you really want to save
space and make weblet tiny again, remove the .jar file and put the java
application code on your workstation instead of the LRP system.

Other changes:
Changes from pr4 to rc1:

e3 default mode switched to Nedit

readme file updated to reflect changes to editor and new packages

kernel and modules switched to dachstein-small
  (I think I somehow had ewald's kernel and/or modules mixed in)

removed pr4 tag from firewall script headers

removed unused /etc/e3.conf

added shell /etc/POSIXness.conf for setting mail variables

added /etc/POSIXness to /var/lib/lrpkg/root.sys.conf

changed root version from 4.0.0 to 4.0.1

weblet pages updated to modified versions of Justin Ribeiro's page design
  cgi scripts updated to use the new format as well

The following features were not added to this release:
  modifications to backup scirpts (deferred to CD-ROM version)
    There will be an entirely new packaging system for the next major
  easily allowing traffic to external private IP space
    This is still possible by editing ipfilter.conf

Charles Steinkuehler
http://c0wz.steinkuehler.net (lrp.c0wz.com mirror)

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