On Mon, Apr 02, 2001 at 03:44:41PM -0700, Steven Peck scribbled:
> speaking of next, how's the openssh going Rick?

John Stoffel is working with me on making it smaller. I have it
compiled so that it would work on LRP, but it's a bit large.

What we're trying to do is compile libssl dynamic and remove it
from the ssh and sshd binaries; the default method (probably a
security measure) is to have libssl statically compiled in to
the binaries.

Actually, he's doing all of the work now...it's all over my
head. :) But, I'm discussing it in email with im and occasionally
attempting it on my own [with 0% success rate..].

> Steven Peck
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

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