At 2002-01-30 16:51 -0600, Michael D. Schleif wrote:

>What am I missing?
>Let's say, I want to find zebra.lrp -- how do I do that?
>The search facility returns: `No matches found to your query' for both 
>announcements and pages.
>If I goto Main Menu | Packages -- it is *not* there, that I can see.
>If I goto Developer Content, then I can click on each name and browse each 
>webpage.  Fortunately, Andrew Hoying is first . . .
>Some stuff that originally appeared in the center column can be found in 
>the rightmost column Past Articles; but, what happens to them when they 
>roll off of that column?

Only the past twenty are listed in the right column, but the others are 
still there. Old articles/news expire after three months, and are removed 
from our site. This was a decision I made to keep our database small.

>Is LEAF keeping track of packages?
>Is there some search facility?

This is a problem related to unincorporated content. The phpWebSite search 
only looks through our MySQL database. I believe the problem is addressed 
in the new search module in phpWebSite 0.8.1.

You can search for packages using Google. e.g. zebra


>What do you think?

I am addressing this issue. I should have a package repository available in 
the next couple of weeks. Take a look at the test version [1] created by 
David Douthitt.


The repository will be committed to cvs in bin/packages [2], and exported 
daily to pub/packages [3].


Eventually, I'd like to see David's scripts converted into a phpWebSite 
module. This will allow for better searching, and automatic indexing. If 
you would like to create this new module, please look at the current 
scripts above. Then, take a look at the phpWebSite module documentation.


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