I'm using one of the syslinux spash screens provided by Richard Lohman for
Dachstein.  Richard apparently replaced the old 'tagline' "Embedding the
bird for the sake of all humanity" with "Don't fear the penguin...".

I like the new version better than the old, but I though this would be a
good topic for a survey (assuming the survey part of our PHP code is

So post your favorite sound-bite for LEAF in general, and Dachstein in
particular.  A few 'quickies' (if no-one comes up with anything better, I'll
use Richard's...I don't claim to have the marketing 'golden touch').

Guarded by the penguin
Security penguin on duty
>From Finland with love

OK...I'll stop sniffing paint fumes (yes, I just painted my office) and go
home now ;-)

Charles Steinkuehler
http://c0wz.steinkuehler.net (lrp.c0wz.com mirror)

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