Hi all,

i made this mail because i see a lot of commit in next branches without any 
topic branch. It's ok if you keep your topic branches private, but it's bad if 
you commit directly in next branch.
The next branch must not be used to fix or add new feature. It's an 
experimental branch that can be rewind (reset) anytime to master branch.
The master branch tracks the commits that should go into the next release. So 
if you fix a bug or add a new feature that is stable merge directly into master.
The next branch is intended as a testing branch for topics being tested for 
stability for master.  So it's only to test topics not to release something. If 
the tests is ok and if everyone agrees the topic can be merge in master.
If the commits actually in the next branch don't have a topics associate with 
them, tell me. In this case i will create a new topic for each "feature" and 
rewind the next to the master branch then i will apply topic branches.

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