Hello Charles , KP and list
> > > Another point, is the handling of /lib/modules.
> > > Charles approach in Dachstein-CD has been an intelligent /etc/modules
> and
> > > load process - with mount/umount commands and cd capabilty. Eric create
> a
> > > link and hold the CD mount in /cdmnt. Couldn't decide, which way is
> > > better...
> >
> > Any feedback from the list on this issue ?
> I'd just like to point out that the mount/umount commands I proivded when
> processing /etc/modules were intentionally made general purpose enough to
> support devices *OTHER* than the CD (ie hard-disk, flash-disk, etc), and
> even the possability of loading modules from multiple devices.
> I can't comment on Eric's solution, since I'm not familiar with it, but I'd
> vote for whichever allows the most flexible run-time configuration (even if
> it's not my solution :-), as long as there are no big space problems (the
> extra code to process mount commands in /etc/modules was pretty small...I
> don't know about Eric's solution).
Sorry Charles, I have to look at your code,  My idea was to mount the CD or whatever 
devices the modules are on will be mounted. 
At boot time a symbolic link is created from /lib/modules/"kernelversion" to the 
directoy on the "mounted" device. 
That way programms that load modules dynamically  (pcmcia  ) can find the  modules 
Is it possible to create for example a  script "insmod" that mount the device does the 
real insmod and unmount the device again. 
I wanted to keep the modules that are not used out of the memory. (saves space)
My actual script only loads from cd but that could and will be changed to mount the 
device that has got the /modules directory. 
But I am always in for good  (better) ideas. 

Regards Eric Wolzak
member of the bering crew


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