I would appreciate it if any Dachstein users using dhclient would do 
the following experiment and tell us the result. I guess I would be 
equally interested in pre-Dachstein LEAF versions of dhclient, or 
other leaf users with dhclient.lrp similar to Charles'.

In the file /etc/dhclient-exit-hooks, add the lines just before the 
comment #Reload networking to see new address:

    #Begin instrumentation
    date >> /var/log/dhclient.txt
    echo old_ip_address = $old_ip_address >> /var/log/dhclient.txt
    echo new_ip_address = $new_ip_address >> /var/log/dhclient.txt
    echo reason = $reason >> /var/log/dhclient.txt
    #End instrumentation    

See below where to add the lines.

Then after the lease is renewed, or at least that particular code 
executes, post to the list the results. In my case I get this:

Mon Feb 18 16:24:52 UTC 2002
old_ip_address =
new_ip_address =
reason = BOUND

The variable old_ip_address never has a value.

I would like to know if other users's dhclient behaves like mine.


Tim Wegner

My instrumented copy of /etc/dhclient-exit-hooks, so you can see 
where the lines go:

# dhclient-exit-hooks script for LRP
# Charles Steinkuehler, January 2000
# Updated June 27, 2000 to restart dnscache, if present

# Notes:
# 0. This script restarts the following when a new address is aquired
#       a: Firewall filter rules

reload_all() {
  svi network ipfilter reload

if [ x$reason = xBOUND ] || [ x$reason = xRENEW ] || \
   [ x$reason = xREBIND ] || [ x$reason = xREBOOT ]; then

  # If our IP address changed, or we just got a new address,
  # restart the IP filters, using the new address
  if [ x$old_ip_address = x ] || [ x$old_ip_address != 
x$new_ip_address ] || \
     [ x$reason = xBOUND ] || [ x$reason = xREBOOT ]; then
    #Begin instrumentation
    date >> /var/log/dhclient.txt
    echo old_ip_address = $old_ip_address >> /var/log/dhclient.txt
    echo new_ip_address = $new_ip_address >> /var/log/dhclient.txt
    echo reason = $reason >> /var/log/dhclient.txt
    #End instrumentation    

    # Reload networking to see new address

if [ x$reason = xEXPIRE ] || [ x$reason = xFAIL ]; then
  # No dhcp lease - Shutdown packet forwarding
  /etc/init.d/network ipfilter flush

if [ x$reason = xTIMEOUT ]; then
  if [ x$timeout_using_old_lease = xTRUE ]; then
    # Succsfully using an old lease, even though we can't talk to the 

    # dhcp server, so reload network to configure with 'new' address
    # Couldn't find the dhcp server, and can't ping the last default 
    # so let's just give up and stop forwarding packets
    /etc/init.d/network ipfilter flush

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