Charles Steinkuehler wrote:
> > #FTP Server
> > #INTERN_SERVER2="-a -P tcp -L $EXTERN_IP 21 -R 21"
> > #INTERN_SERVER3="-a -P tcp -L $EXTERN_IP 21000 -R 21000"
> The scripts stop at the first missing number, and they start counting from
> zero, so without INTERN_SERVER0 and INTERN_SERVER1 defined, the rest of your
> server settings will be ignored.
> This is kind of a pain, and an artifact of the broken sort command on
> earlier systems...
> If anyone wants a project, you could work on adapting the walklist function
> to support missing numbers and send me the code...

Right now I don't see who to avoid the problem unless you impose some
sort of maximum variable count.  The walk_list condition is designed to
stop via

    eval ITEM="\$$BASENAME$x"
    [ "$ITEM" != "" ]

I grepped walk_list in /etc and found 10 instances in both ipfilter.conf
and network.conf.  Suppose you set a max list variable size to 20.  I
might loose a few pico seconds off my life but how long will that take
lrp to boot for each call to walk_list configured with a max list
variable this big?  Wouldn't 20 more than cover all the lists that LRP

I ripped this idea off from esb2 and modified it for a project I am
working on.  I wacked out a section of code and then modified the script
to make widgets not Oracle instance directories.

cat ./walk
# Ident: walk
# Define the number of widgets you are going to
# create.  This should equal then number of widgetsX
# variables you have uncommented.  This is for all you
# performance freaks.  The loop examines which variable
# exists before using it.

# Define the widgets variables.  See max_widgets.
# my_widget0=VULTURES
# my_widget3=KAA
# my_widget4=HATHI
# my_widget5=BAGHEERA
# ad nausium

# Now make the widgets
# Starting widget variable number.
while [ ${widgets_list} -lt ${max_widgets} ]
  # See if the $my_widgetX varable exists
  eval current_widget="\$my_widget${widgets_list}"
  if [ "${current_widget}" != "" ]

    # Now make the widget.
    echo "widget produced = ${current_widget}"


  # Next widget please.
  widgets_list=$((${widgets_list} + 1 ))

done  # Done creating widgets.

Here's the output

widget produced = BALOO
widget produced = MOWGLI
widget produced = KING
widget produced = LOUIE

Here's the walk_list function

cat walk_list
#General utilities to process lists of environment variables
# A function to walk a list of environment variables
# To use, define a series of BASENAMEx lines in network.conf
# where x is an integer number
# $1 = List Basename
# $2 = Initial integer suffix (usually 0 or 1)
# $3 = Procedure to call
# $4+= Parameters to pass to procedure
# NOTE: Called procedure can reference local walk_list variables, like x
or y
walk_list () {
  # x = Variable index, y = count of processed variables
  local BASENAME=$1 x=$2 PROCEDURE=$3 ITEM="" y="0"
  shift 3

    eval ITEM="\$$BASENAME$x"
    [ "$ITEM" != "" ]
    y=$(($y + 1))

    # 'Call' the procedure, passing the variable to process and any args
    eval $PROCEDURE $BASENAME$x $*

    x=$(($x + 1))



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