>   In my upgrade to Dachstein CD RC5 I encountered some issues with Seawall
> that may indicate an issue with sed/cut - or Seawall (I'm not sure which)
> when Seawall starts I get a couple of errors:
> sed: Unknown option to 's'
> No IP Address assigned to eth0
> sed: Unknown option to 's'
> or something to that effect - it definitely has to do with sed or cut -
> I'm not sure if this was present in RC4 - as RC3 was the version I was
> running previously and it was not affected.  Not to worry - I mucked about
> with the firewall script and this should work.  It requires that ifconfig
> installed though (shouldn't be a problem if you are running dachstein).

The problem is with cut.  If you specify a special character as a delimiter,
it's not getting escaped.  I'll fix this on future versions

Charles Steinkuehler
http://c0wz.steinkuehler.net (lrp.c0wz.com mirror)

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