On Tuesday 04 June 2002 07:22, Rob Fegley wrote:

> -With equal metrics assigned to two default routes, will traffic that
> ingresses on one interface be routed back out of that same interface
> upon server reply, since I'm port-forwarding inbound connections? 
> This would imply that a port-forwarding "session" table entry would
> take precedence over the routing table, right?  This would be my most
> preferred option, because it allows the greatest flexibility and
> imparts the hardest work on Bering to figure out.
> -If not, then I need to apply a better cost to the interface that
> will do most of my hosting, then apply some sort of periodic test
> that would flush my better cost default route in the event that it's
> upstream path dies.  The problem here is that both interfaces will be
> plugging into a switch (on separate VLANs), but even if the
> interfaces were crossover-cabled to my cable modem (bridge) and DSL
> bridge, the Bering box should never see that interface link go down,
> so there is no route flushing mechanism since a Layer 2 path always
> exists.  Essentially, I am looking for Bering to have some knowledge
> almost like a "hello timer" to some upstream device, such that if
> visibility to that device (not necessarily another router, maybe my
> ISP's DNS server) goes away, then a process kicks off to flush my
> current preferred default route and uses the higher cost default.  To
> read into this from a Cisco perspective, I am looking for some method
> of simulating neighbor adjacency without peering with an upstream
> router, which is not an option.
> -Finally, in either an equal- or unequal-cost metric setup, does my
> outbound source NAT (for my browsing) take place pre- or
> post-routing?  In essence, by NATting my internal subnet (or host) to
> an interface or an address within the address/netmask applied to that
> interface, does that ensure that my traffic will egress on that same
> interface, thus basically acting like policy routing?

This has been a Golden Goose that hasn't worked as hoped for several
years with the 2.2.x kernel releases. I can't say that anyone has
attempted it with 2.4.x LEAF (Bering) yet. 

The best advice I have seen (documented) is Jack Coates Load-Balancing
HowTo, found at:


I hope this helps!
~Lynn Avants
aka Guitarlynn

guitarlynn at users.sourceforge.net

If linux isn't the answer, you've probably got the wrong question!


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