On 31 Jan 2003 08:48:41 EST Sean E. Covel wrote:

> On Thu, 2003-01-30 at 22:34, Brad Fritz wrote:

sc> I created new .lrp files with the correct path (no ./etc) and I'm still
sc> having the tar problem.  Anyone have any thoughts?


bf> Can you provide a link to or post the etc.local file?

sc> Good point.  I couldn't find them either so I emailed Todd.  I'll host
sc> them.  I'm not sure if you want to help, or if you just want the files
sc> ;-), but here they are.  I also posted my ISO in case someone wants to
sc> do some debugging.
sc> The files are here:
sc> http://leaf.sourceforge.net/devel/scovel

Looks like there are carriage returns in the .local files that
are causing problems with the grep at ~101 of lrcfg.back.script .
Try the versions I sterilized with dos2unix and sent you offlist
and let us know if that fixes the problem.


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