Good day all,

I had a similar problem with Leaf bering 1.1 and 1.2. I have since upgraded to uClibC 2.2.2. I did find a fix for the older system when I was using it, I replaced PUMP with DHCPD which solved the problem.

Darcy Parker

Message: 2

Date: Sun, 06 Mar 2005 21:41:17 -0500
From: Gene Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [leaf-user] dhcp (pump) fails or acquire address after network
(cable) outage

Jon Clausen wrote, On 02/13/2005 03:27 AM:

On Sat, 12 Feb, 2005 at 18:00:05 -0500, Gene Smith wrote:

I am running a bering-leaf system with 2.4.18 kernel that I setup about two years ago (not sure of exact version). It has been working fine except for one problem. When the cable goes down and eventually comes back up the bering-leaf system never recovers (clients can't access internet). I tried restarting services (shorewall, networking, ifup/down) to no avail. Usually I just reboot. However I discovered that if I kill and re-run pump (/sbin/pump -i eth1) it then recovers and acquires its IP address. Could I have something configured wrong that prevents a automatic recovery?

I have been having similar (if not identical) problems lately: Link goes
down, lease expires, link comes up again, pump fails to renew.

AFAICT there's a bug which makes pump exit, when no dhcp-server can be
reached after N retries. I'm not absolutely sure this is what actually
happens, but some googling turned up links to that effect. (Sorry I can't
reproduce the search ATM)

Working on the *assumption* that pump indeed dies, I threw this together:

# cat /sbin/repump
if [ -z "`/sbin/pidof pump`" ] ;then
       /usr/bin/logger "Repump: pump looks dead, attempting resurrection;"
#        /usr/bin/logger "Repump: pump lives, pid `pidof pump`"

and added:

# keeping pump alive:
*/10 *  * * *   root    /sbin/repump

to /etc/crontab.

Basically a crude workaround.

(Un)fortunately the ISP seems to have gotten their act together, at about
the same time as I did the above. Hence I don't know whether or not it works
as desired... :P


On my system I have verified that pump *does not* die. It just seem to quit doing its thing. I have to kill it and restart it to get my ip addr back. Also, I see no indication in /var/log/syslog that there was a problem other than the lack of the typical slew of messages pump generates when it does a periodic renew. Not even sure ISP was down since syslog indicated that shorewall was rejecting stuff during the time my lease was expired and pump did not run (if that is possible?).

Question: How is pump normally started on boot? I am unable to figure
out how it starts up after looking through the various files. I see
indications that it is somehow tied in with ifup or possibly shorewall


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