Hi all

I'm running Dachstein 1.02 with 
a public IP range server farm, 
(half a dozen domains) one of which 
proxies client web traffic.

What's the simplest way to obtain a record of the
total traffic (in and out) on the external card?

Actually, I'd like hourly totals of network 
traffic, showing 
* incoming bytes on external card
* outgoing bytes on external card

* traffic received via my ISPs router
 i.e. traffic directed from to

* traffic forwarded by the firewall 
   - broken down by IP / Port for priviledged ports
        (ftp,www,https, imap, smtp, pop)
   - broken down by ip for remaining ports

The ISP connection is through a broadband (fibre optic) 
connection which contains a large number of nodes, 
which generate a lot of Martians in the logs. 
(There appear to be machines with ips in the 192.168.*
range on the network). 
I've currently turned LOG_MARTIANS off, as I think maybe 
this traffic is unavoidable. I have DENY_MARTIANS = yes 
on the external card.

I have a Linux box on the internal network that 
I could use to run wget or run syslogd for remote 

Any suggestions? 

Greg Ford
ReddFish intergalactic


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