On Mon, 19 Aug 2002 22:46:24 -0400 David Ondzes wrote:

> BTW - is there a "script" package for LEAF ?

I'll bite:

 -> http://www.monkeynoodle.org/lrp/lrp/packages/sys-utils
 -> http://www.monkeynoodle.org/lrp/lrp/packages/sys-utils/script.lrp


 -> http://leaf-project.org/devel/ddouthitt/packages/
 -> http://leaf-project.org/devel/ddouthitt/packages/script.lrp

*But*, they're both compiled for glibc 2.1:

   tar tvfz /tmp/script.lrp | grep 2.1.3.so
   -rwxr-xr-x root/root      8892 2001-08-31 22:56:08 usr/lib/libutil-2.1.3.so

so they won't work on on a stock Bering install:

  # script
  script: error in loading shared libraries
  /usr/lib/libutil.so.1: undefined symbol: getpt

Sorry.  Might be a nice package to have.  I wonder if someone
with a glibc 2.0 development system handy would be willing to
compile it for glibc 2.0? ;)


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