2) also worked for me.


On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 9:47 AM, Hans Erik van Elburg <
hanserik.van.elb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks Thierry,
> 2) worked for me.
> BR,
> /Hans Erik
> Op zondag 4 mei 2014 11:35:39 UTC+2 schreef thierry:
>> 1)
>> Here is what I did
>> - install virtualbox
>> - download ubuntu 14.04 and install it into virtualbox
>> - sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade (inside the VM)
>> - and then pursue with my previous post  (inside the VM)
>> I did the whole process twice, so I have some self-assurance that my
>> trick works on *vanilla* ubuntu 14.04.
>> But today, I just tried to compile ledger using the same process as
>> described in email above, but without installing again the VM. And it
>> fails...
>> 2)
>> But after several trials and errors, I found that the below commands
>> worked for me.
>>     rm -rf ledger/
>>     git clone git://github.com/ledger/ledger.git
>>     cd ledger/
>>     git submodule update --init
>>     cmake . -DUSE_DOXYGEN=1 -DUSE_PYTHON=1
>>     make
>> I can see that the above commands are skipping the step "Generating
>> ../system.hh.pch". Perhaps system.hh.pch is what is making the compilation
>> to fail ?
>> 3)
>> I also believe there is something wrong with system.hh.pch, because of
>> the following.
>> I have tried to switch to clang (I do not know the proper way, I only set
>> CXX).
>> I have an error also related to system.hh.pch.
>> Thierry
>> ----------8<--------------------8<--------------------8<----------
>> $ rm -rf ledger/
>> $ git clone git://github.com/ledger/ledger.git
>> $ cd ledger/
>> $ export CXX=clang
>> $ ./acprep --verbose update
>> acprep: INFO: Invoking primary phase: update
>> acprep: INFO: Executing phase: update
>> acprep: INFO: Executing phase: pull
>> Already up-to-date.
>> acprep: INFO: Executing phase: submodule
>> Sous-module 'lib/utfcpp' (http://github.com/ledger/utfcpp.git)
>> enregistré pour le chemin 'lib/utfcpp'
>> Clonage dans 'lib/utfcpp'...
>> remote: Reusing existing pack: 37, done.
>> remote: Total 37 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
>> Unpacking objects: 100% (37/37), done.
>> Vérification de la connectivité... fait.
>> Chemin de sous-module 'lib/utfcpp' : 
>> '2233ec933f5661c7050b94d3b14f5f9f51ae3d55'
>> extrait
>> acprep: INFO: Executing phase: make
>> acprep: INFO: Executing phase: config
>> acprep: INFO: Executing phase: submodule
>> acprep: INFO: Executing phase: configure
>> acprep: INFO: System type is => Linux
>> acprep: INFO: Setting up build flavor => debug
>> -- The C compiler identification is GNU 4.8.2
>> -- The CXX compiler identification is Clang 3.4.0
>> -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc
>> -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- works
>> -- Detecting C compiler ABI info
>> -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
>> -- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/clang
>> -- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/clang -- works
>> -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
>> -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
>> -- Found PythonInterp: /usr/bin/python (found version "2.7.6")
>> -- Boost version: 1.55.0
>> -- Found the following Boost libraries:
>> --   date_time
>> --   filesystem
>> --   system
>> --   iostreams
>> --   regex
>> --   unit_test_framework
>> -- Looking for access
>> -- Looking for access - found
>> -- Looking for realpath
>> -- Looking for realpath - found
>> -- Looking for getpwuid
>> -- Looking for getpwuid - found
>> -- Looking for getpwnam
>> -- Looking for getpwnam - found
>> -- Looking for isatty
>> -- Looking for isatty - found
>> -- Performing Test UNIX_PIPES_COMPILES
>> -- Performing Test UNIX_PIPES_COMPILES - Success
>> -- Performing Test BOOST_REGEX_UNICODE_RUNS
>> -- Performing Test BOOST_REGEX_UNICODE_RUNS - Failed
>> -- Looking for readline in edit
>> -- Looking for readline in edit - found
>> -- Configuring done
>> -- Generating done
>> -- Build files have been written to: /home/thierry/ledger
>> /usr/bin/cmake -H/home/thierry/ledger -B/home/thierry/ledger
>> --check-build-system CMakeFiles/Makefile.cmake 0
>> /usr/bin/cmake -E cmake_progress_start /home/thierry/ledger/CMakeFiles
>> /home/thierry/ledger/CMakeFiles/progress.marks
>> make -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 all
>> make[1]: entrant dans le répertoire « /home/thierry/ledger »
>> make -f src/CMakeFiles/libledger.dir/build.make
>> src/CMakeFiles/libledger.dir/depend
>> make[2]: entrant dans le répertoire « /home/thierry/ledger »
>> /usr/bin/cmake -E cmake_progress_report /home/thierry/ledger/CMakeFiles
>> 10
>> [  1%] Generating ../system.hh.pch
>> cd /home/thierry/ledger/src && rm -f /home/thierry/ledger/system.hh.pch
>> cd /home/thierry/ledger/src && /usr/bin/clang -g -fPIC -x c++-header -c
>> /home/thierry/ledger/system.hh -o /home/thierry/ledger/system.hh.pch
>> -isystem /usr/include -isystem /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu -isystem
>> /usr/include -isystem /usr/include -isystem /home/thierry/ledger/lib
>> -isystem /home/thierry/ledger/lib/utfcpp/source -isystem
>> /home/thierry/ledger
>> cd /home/thierry/ledger && /usr/bin/cmake -E cmake_depends "Unix
>> Makefiles" /home/thierry/ledger /home/thierry/ledger/src
>> /home/thierry/ledger /home/thierry/ledger/src /home/thierry/ledger/src/
>> CMakeFiles/libledger.dir/DependInfo.cmake --color=
>> Dependee "/home/thierry/ledger/src/CMakeFiles/libledger.dir/DependInfo.cmake"
>> is newer than depender "/home/thierry/ledger/src/
>> CMakeFiles/libledger.dir/depend.internal".
>> Dependee 
>> "/home/thierry/ledger/src/CMakeFiles/CMakeDirectoryInformation.cmake"
>> is newer than depender "/home/thierry/ledger/src/
>> CMakeFiles/libledger.dir/depend.internal".
>> Scanning dependencies of target libledger
>> make[2]: quittant le répertoire « /home/thierry/ledger »
>> make -f src/CMakeFiles/libledger.dir/build.make
>> src/CMakeFiles/libledger.dir/build
>> make[2]: entrant dans le répertoire « /home/thierry/ledger »
>> /usr/bin/cmake -E cmake_progress_report /home/thierry/ledger/CMakeFiles
>> 11
>> [  3%] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/libledger.dir/stats.cc.o
>> cd /home/thierry/ledger/src && /usr/bin/clang   -Dlibledger_EXPORTS -g
>> -fPIC -isystem /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu -I/home/thierry/ledger/lib
>> -I/home/thierry/ledger/lib/utfcpp/source -I/home/thierry/ledger
>>  -std=c++11 -Weverything -Wno-disabled-macro-expansion -Wno-padded
>> -Wno-weak-vtables -Wno-exit-time-destructors -Wno-global-constructors
>> -Wno-switch-enum -Wno-missing-prototypes -Wno-missing-noreturn
>> -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-c++98-compat -fno-limit-debug-info -include
>> /home/thierry/ledger/system.hh -o CMakeFiles/libledger.dir/stats.cc.o -c
>> /home/thierry/ledger/src/stats.cc
>> error: C++0x was disabled in PCH file but is currently enabled
>> 1 error generated.
>> make[2]: *** [src/CMakeFiles/libledger.dir/stats.cc.o] Erreur 1
>> make[2]: quittant le répertoire « /home/thierry/ledger »
>> make[1]: *** [src/CMakeFiles/libledger.dir/all] Erreur 2
>> make[1]: quittant le répertoire « /home/thierry/ledger »
>> make: *** [all] Erreur 2
>> acprep: ERROR: Execution failed: make VERBOSE=1
>> ----------8<--------------------8<--------------------8<----------
>> On Saturday, May 3, 2014 1:57:18 PM UTC+2, Hans Erik van Elburg wrote:
>>> Hi Thierry,
>>> That does not work for me unfortunately. make gives the same error as acprep
>>> update does
>>> /Hans Erik
>>> Op zaterdag 3 mei 2014 00:40:23 UTC+2 schreef thierry:
>>>> On vanilla Ubuntu 14.04, I managed to compile, with some trick:
>>>> a) Install dependencies, the following were the minimum for me:
>>>>     build-essential cmake doxygen libboost-system1.55-dev
>>>> libboost1.55-dev python-dev gettext git libboost-date-time1.55-dev
>>>> libboost-filesystem1.55-dev libboost-iostreams1.55-dev
>>>> libboost-python1.55-dev libboost-regex1.55-dev libboost-test1.55-dev
>>>> libedit-dev libgmp3-dev libmpfr-dev texinfo
>>>> b) Clone repository :
>>>>     git clone git://github.com/ledger/ledger.git
>>>> c) Change directory to ledger, then :
>>>>     ./acprep update
>>>>     --> this fails as described in first post from James
>>>> d) Launch compilation via:
>>>>     cmake . -DUSE_DOXYGEN=1 -DUSE_PYTHON=1
>>>>     make
>>>> e) Check if everything looks ok:
>>>>     make check
>>>> I have tried a+b+d : it fails.
>>>> Only a+b and then (d+c or c+d) works.
>>>> I believe there is something missing in acprep script.
>>>> Thierry
>>>> PS : my first post since months, I had a motorcycle accident, my fault,
>>>> 4 fractures to pelvis bone, spent 3 months in hospital, almost no sequel,
>>>> lucky me.
>>>> On Monday, April 21, 2014 2:05:08 PM UTC+2, James Clemence wrote:
>>>>> On Ubuntu 14.04 x86_64, the build is failing. I've got the following
>>>>> dependencies installed:
>>>>> libboost1.55-dev libboost-regex1.55-dev libboost-date-time1.55-dev
>>>>> libboost-filesystem1.55-dev build-essential cmake texinfo python-dev
>>>>> zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev libgmp3-dev bjam gettext cvs libmpfr-dev
>>>>> However, build fails with the following issue:
>>>>> [  3%] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/libledger.dir/stats.cc.o
>>>>> /home/jvc26/ledger/src/stats.cc:32:21: warning:
>>>>> /home/jvc26/ledger/system.hh.gch: not used because
>>>>> `__GNUC_GNU_INLINE__' not defined [-Winvalid-pch]
>>>>>  #include <system.hh>
>>>>>                      ^
>>>>> In file included from /home/jvc26/ledger/src/exprbase.h:57:0,
>>>>>                  from /home/jvc26/ledger/src/draft.h:45,
>>>>>                  from /home/jvc26/ledger/src/stats.cc:34:
>>>>> /home/jvc26/ledger/src/utils.h:488:12: error: ‘std::unique_ptr’ has
>>>>> not been declared
>>>>>  using std::unique_ptr;
>>>>>             ^
>>>>> In file included from /home/jvc26/ledger/src/report.h:52:0,
>>>>>                  from /home/jvc26/ledger/src/stats.cc:38:
>>>>> /home/jvc26/ledger/src/session.h:62:3: error: ‘unique_ptr’ does not
>>>>> name a type
>>>>>    unique_ptr<journal_t> journal;
>>>>>    ^
>>>>> /home/jvc26/ledger/src/stats.cc: In function ‘ledger::value_t
>>>>> ledger::report_statistics(ledger::call_scope_t&)’:
>>>>> /home/jvc26/ledger/src/stats.cc:49:31: error: ‘class
>>>>> ledger::session_t’ has no member named ‘journal’
>>>>>      statistics(report.session.journal->master->family_details(true));
>>>>>                                ^
>>>>> make[2]: *** [src/CMakeFiles/libledger.dir/stats.cc.o] Error 1
>>>>> make[1]: *** [src/CMakeFiles/libledger.dir/all] Error 2
>>>>> make: *** [all] Error 2
>>>>> acprep: ERROR: Execution failed: make
>>>>> Any pointers? Thanks!
>>>>  --
> ---
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