FA raises white flag in 20-year fight for the soul of football
The Premier League has emerged victorious after the governing body signed away much of its authority with barely a whimper

After a rambling political process which called on the Football Association to get a grip on the national game, David Bernstein's FA convened at Wembley Stadium alongside the Premier League and Football League, and formally surrendered much of its authority. Few noticed, besides the scrutinising chairman of the Football Supporters' Federation, Malcolm Clarke, partly because the FA's pallid response to the government's modest call for reform is a contender for the most boring football document ever produced. Yet old hands of these bureaucratic machinations know that boredom, complete here with organisational charts and barely comprehensible management speak, can be a lethal tool of submission. Probably its authors' greatest achievement was to have the sports minister, Hugh Robertson - who once boldly called football "the country's worst governed sport" - welcoming the document, when a close read reveals the football authorities have rejected or blatantly ignored almost all of Robertson's recommendations. Robertson's Conservative party included in the coalition agreement with the Liberal Democrats a government commitment to "encourage the reform of football governance rules to support the co-operative ownership of football clubs by supporters". It is not clear, almost two years on, how the government thinks it has promoted that policy, despite an inquiry into football by the House of Commons select committee for culture, media and sport, and Robertson's response, in October. In it, backed by the threat that the government will pass laws if not satisfied, Robertson's most positive recommendation for the principle that fans, not just absentee billionaires, should be involved with their clubs, was this: "The government urges the football authorities to consider ways to actively encourage and incentivise methods of including supporter representatives on the boards of clubs." You can rifle through the football authorities' 16-page proposals as many times as the heart will bear, and find not even a response to that, let alone some ideas for how such a progressive - and complex - plan might be put into practice. The steady undermining of the commitment to fund Supporters Direct, the organisation which has since 2000 promoted fan ownership and representation in clubs, is a masterpiece of watering down. The select committee's report praised Supporters Direct as "absolutely vital to nearly all supporters' trust success stories", criticised the FA, Premier League and Football League for their "reluctance to devise a formula" for the organisation's "long-term future", and said: "We urge the football authorities to work quickly towards a funding solution." Robertson responded by saying "a solution to provide funding for the long-term future of Supporters Direct . should not be beyond the skill of the football authorities." The FA and leagues' response to that says Supporters Direct should "primarily rely on funding raised from their membership or their own initiatives". The Premier League adds that it intends to make available "an element of match-funding". So the £3.5bn Premier League is proposing to withdraw further from funding the organisation which the government said "makes a vital contribution" and require the money for a handful of modestly paid staff to be raised from volunteer and time-pressed supporters' trusts themselves. And the sports minister who asked the authorities for "a solution to provide funding" found himself welcoming the proposals. On the other specific issues the football authorities have also mostly ignored the sports minister. The government, obsessed with the numbers on the FA's board, called for it to be reduced to 10; it has been increased to 14, although there is a commitment to bring it down to "between eight and 12" by 2013. Robertson called for the FA's rule-making council, currently composed almost entirely of white, male, senior citizens, to become "genuinely representative of the modern game". The FA and leagues' document presents no proposals to do that at all. Robertson interested himself in the question of the huge financial gap between the Premier League and the Football League, under the heading "parachute payments", and said: "There is a role for the FA in such discussions." The football authorities' response specifically states that "parachute payments" and "club distributions" are "outside the scope of the FA". The football authorities do suggest a licensing system should be introduced to govern how clubs are constituted, as called for by Robertson, but keep the FA a long way out of the important issues. Robertson, when calling for it, said: "There is a legitimate role for the FA . to ensure that appropriate and consistent checks and balances are in place to protect the overall financial integrity of the national game and its long-term viability." Yet in agreeing to a club licensing system, the Premier League and Football League have secured the sole right to recommend what rules should be in the licence and to ensure their clubs comply. The FA, crucially, has also agreed to class a list of meaty issues as "outside the scope of the FA". These include: "Club and league commercial and financial matters; club business and operating issues, stadium, customer/fan issues; club/league relationship with other competition organisers including Uefa; club ticket prices; club distributions and parachute payments." So, to select committee and government calls for football's historic governing body to take greater charge of the modern game's direction, the FA responded by giving up involvement at its heart. This is a historic abandonment by the FA, 21 years after its "Blueprint for the Future of Football" outraged the Football League by supporting the First Division clubs' money-motivated moves to break away. The FA said the breakaway would be good for the England team, because the top division would reduce to 18 clubs by 1996, so play fewer games, and the new Premier League "should be governed by a committee of the FA, [including] the FA chairman and chief executive". The owners of the top clubs gobbled up the gift of a breakaway, to keep, not share, the new millions spawned by their marriage with Rupert Murdoch's BSkyB, but they shed the requirement to reduce to 18 clubs and any idea their new league would be run by the FA. Bernstein's predecessor as FA chairman, Lord Triesman, was hounded by the Premier League for warning of clubs' debts and seeking a greater governing role. His chief executive, Ian Watmore, walked out, exasperated by the lack of authority in the role. Watmore's replacement, Alex Horne, accepted the lesser title of general secretary, and at the Football League, the vastly experienced Andy Williamson wisely hides his light under the bushel of chief operating officer. That leaves Richard Scudamore, of the Premier League, as the last chief executive standing and this is a victory over football for him and the plutocrats who pay his millionaire's salary and bonus. It is the end of a 20-year war of attrition by the Premier League since the FA split the Football League. Football's first governing body believed then it would be strengthened not, as it has turned out, terminally weakened, surrendering to the power of money.

End of an era of football politics

1991 Blueprint for the Future of Football
The FA backs the First Division clubs to break away from sharing their money with the other three divisions of the Football League, and form the Premier League.

1997 Football Task Force
Established by the new Labour government, concerned by increased commercialism and ticket prices. Led to the establishment of Supporters Direct and some investment by the Premier League in grassroots facilities and community programmes.

2008 Andy Burnham's "Seven questions"
The former Labour culture secretary called for football to "reassess its relationship with money." The FA drew up proposals for a licensing system which the Premier League and Football League refused to sanction.

2011 Government call for reform
The Conservative sports minister Hugh Robertson responds to the select committee report by calling for the FA to take a lead in reforming football, including encouraging supporter representatives on club boards

2012 Football's licensing system
The football authorities propose a licensing system run by the leagues, and the FA lists operational areas in professional football, including "fan issues," ticket prices and the distribution of money, as "matters outside the scope of the FA".

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