We really are in big trouble!  Usually we limp into Christmas
with enough points to be able to withstand a poor second half of
the season - that is the experience of the last 5 or 7 seasons
anyhow; I cannot remember any further back with any great

This season, the rot has started early!  ALARM BELLS SHOULD BE

The upshot, I believe we are in real relegation trouble.  Where
is next win going to come from?  Who cares about the League Cup!
I certainly don't!  No one is scared or us any more, especially
at Elland Road.  Leeds/Watford 1-6 FFS! 

I've been supporting Leeds for over 35 years now and have never
been at a lower ebb and that includes the many dark years of the
80s in this division. 

Soccer has changed and not for the better.  I look at the Premier
League almost in the same way that my daughter looks at WWE.
Pure entertainment.  Not do or die for, any more.  Just another
media channel to be consumed but not to be cared about in any
meaningful way.  They don't care; why should we? 

I will always be a Leeds United fan but I simply do not care any
more what happens to us/them.  Why should I allow my mood be
dictated by an organisation that absolutely no interest in its
fan other than as income streams.  I will not go and see them
again until Bates is gone and true light shines on the club

Saying that, are any white knights riding to our supposed rescue
going to be any better than what is already in situ?  Look at all
the other clubs around the UK, and further afield, which are
being mercilessly plundered as you would a failing business.
Bates is just more effective at "running" Leeds United than most
others in similar positions in other clubs.

Fans must vote with their feet for this to start to change.  The
problem is that many fans are too deeply attached to be able to
disconnect themselves, which is why we continue to be taken
advantage of. 

Someone will eventually shout stop and the rest will listen.
The problem is that it will probably be too late. 

James - Galway White!
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PETE CASS (1962 - 2011) Rest In Peace Mate

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