Why is yet another of our takeovers taking so long - yet again another season 
has gone to waste - another season where we fall further and further behind the 
yo-yo teams of the Premiership and so far behind the top teams that it is 
impossible to even dream that we may catch up with them in my lifetime
To even compete with Man City etc we would need to buy 22 players who would 
cost £20m each to buy on average and then another £7.5m each in wages pa (at 
£250k a week)

So that is a total of £550 million pounds which we would need to find to buy 
and pay the players for a year - something that will just NEVER happen unless 
the new financial fair play things really work or football implodes (which may 
happen if Rooney becomes the benchmark wage) or we get some oil rich benefactor 
who wants us as his toy

This is the latest from the Football League - it begs the question "why have we 
not given them what they need" coupled with "have they done this with other 
owners buying other teams" and "has Cellino not got the money etc"

Whatever it is not looking good

FL "The Football League remains in discussions with both the owners and 
proposed purchasers of Leeds United. To date, a significant amount of the 
requested information has been supplied by GFH and Eleonora Sport.
"But there are still a number of outstanding matters that will require further 
submissions from the two parties.
The Board of The Football League is scheduled to meet on March 13 where it will 
receive an update on the matter from the League’s executive unless all the 
remaining issues can be resolved satisfactorily in advance of this date.”

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John 'Grampa' Sykes
Rest In Peace old lad
28th Oct 1938 - 12 Nov 2013

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