LL:DDV: Feminism Unites the Global Revolt against Corporate Rule

2000-10-16 Thread Debbie Brennan
Melbourne Radical Women Meeting: Wednesday, 25 October FEMINISM UNITES THE GLOBAL REVOLT AGAINST CORPORATE RULE In September, the thousands of people who blockaded the World Economic Forum Summit in Melbourne joined the spreading international resistance against capitalism. When unionists,

LL:DDV: S11 video showing -- 'on the barricades'

2000-10-16 Thread Jeff Sparrow
Socialist Alternative presents the debut screening of SA's video of the S11 demonstration 'On the Barricades'. Revisist the awesome protest against the World Economic Forum. Thurs 7.30 pm October 19 New International Bookshop Trades Hall ph 9421 4439 for more information --

LL:DDN: Palestine Forum

2000-10-16 Thread CE
PALESTINE - FREEDOM NOW! A Green Left Weekly Public Forum Speakers: Sari Kassis -Friends of Palestine speakers from Australian Council of Palestinians and the Democratic Socialist Party WEDNESDAY, NOV 1 - 7pm Resistance Centre - 23 Abercrombie St, Chippendale. Food available from 6.30 pm

LL:DDN: Liberation Dinner

2000-10-16 Thread CE
You are invited to the GREEN LEFT WEEKLY LIBERATION DINNER CAMPAIGNING FOR GLOBAL JUSTICE Green Left Weekly consistently reports on an campaigns for social justice: from workers' rights in Indonesia to land rights for Indigenous Australians; from defending the gains of the Cuban revolution


2000-10-16 Thread Paul Petersen
Elections for the NSW Public Service Association are now underway. This is an important opportunity for members to reform their union. We encourage members to vote PROGRESSIVE PSA (PPSA) FOR A BETTER DEAL: a.. JOB SECURITY - PROTECT PUBLIC SECTOR JOBS SERVICES b.. BETTER MORE EQUITABLE

LL:DDV: The 60s and 70s - Freedom Now!

2000-10-16 Thread Alison Thorne
Study Group: A Worker's Guide to the 20th Century: The '60s and '70s =8B Freedom Now! Thursday 19 October @ 7pm Solidarity Salon, 1 Appleby Cres, West Brunswick Dinner served at 6.30 pm for a $6 donation For more information call (03) 9386-5065 Sponsored jointly by Freedom Socialist Party the

LL:INFO: A request to LeftLink posters

2000-10-16 Thread Alison Thorne
Dear LeftLink posters The Freedom Socialist Party values LeftLink greatly as a method of communication between very diverse left activists and organisations. We all have a role in ensuring the integrity and accuracy of the information posted. So, if details of an action any of us post change,

LL:PR: After S11: Call for May 1 global strike

2000-10-16 Thread PPZ
Media Release Monday October 18 Left activists propose sequel to S11 Global strike blockade of stock exchanges on May 1 The Democratic Socialist Party and Resistance, two organisations which played a leading role in the S11 blockade of the World Economic Forum have issued a call for a

LL:DDV: Melbourne May Day Committee

2000-10-16 Thread AAWL
The Annual General Meeting of the Melbourne May Day Committee will be held on Tuesday 24 October at 7:30 pm in the Evatt Room, Trades Hall Corner Lygon Victoria Streets Carlton South The election for positions on the committee will take place at this meeting Source: Melbourne May Day

LL:DDN: After s11: Globalising Resistance to Capitalism

2000-10-16 Thread CE
19th Democratic Socialist Party National Congress AFTER S11: GLOBALISING RESISTANCE TO CAPITALISM The blockade of the Crown Casino in Melbourne from s11 -13 was a great victory. Tens of thousands of people showed that "there's no power but the power of the people" drawing many into radical