LL:DDV: M1 meeting

2000-11-20 Thread Sandra Bloodworth
M1 MEETING: THIS WEDNESDAY 22 NOVEMBER @ 6.30PM Lesley Clucas Lounge RMIT City Campus The S11 Alliance has renamed itself M1 in preparation for a major action against corporate power we are planning in Melbourne for May Day (May 1) next year. We hope to build on the great success of S11 to

LL:DDV: S11 meeting

2000-11-02 Thread Sandra Bloodworth
UPCOMING S11 MEETING ON NOVEMBER 15 The next S11 meeting in Melbourne is on Wednesday 15 November at 6.30pm. It will be held in the Lesley Clucas Lounge of RMIT, Swanston St, City. It will discuss S11's decision to call for a major anti-corporate action on 1 May 2001. This is part of a world

LL:DDV: Middle east crisis

2000-10-29 Thread Sandra Bloodworth
As background to the crisis in the Middle East Socialist Alternative is present a special meeting this coming Thursday on: THE US AND THE MIDDLE EAST Why does the US back Israel to the hilt? David Brophy explains the background to the current Palestinian uprising and the importance of oil in

LL:PR: S11 video

2000-10-23 Thread Sandra Bloodworth
NEW VIDEO ON THE S11 PROTEST ON THE BARRICADES Documenting the success of S11. A new video produced by Socialist Alternative is now available for sale. From September 11-13 up to 30,000 demonstrators blockaded the Asia Pacific Economic Summit of the World Economic -- representing the


2000-10-05 Thread Sandra Bloodworth
PROTEST AGAINST JEFF/STEVE BRACKS AT ALP CONFERENCE The S11 Alliance has called a protest against Steve Bracks at the ALP Victorian Conference on Saturday 21 October. We are protesting against Bracks' support for police violence at the S11 protest and are demanding full compensation for S11

LL:DDV: public meeting

2000-08-30 Thread Sandra Bloodworth
PUBLIC MEETING presented by Socialist Alternative, one of the groups involved in S11. COULD THERE BE A REVOLUTION IN AUSTRALIA? WHEN? Thursday September 21, 7.30pm WHERE? New International Bookshop Trades Hall, cnr Victoria Lygon Sts - enter from Victoria Sts. SA supports struggle

LL:DDV: Secret history Walk Info Update

1999-11-24 Thread Sandra Bloodworth
SECRET HISTORY TOUR OF MELBOURNE A reminder that the secret history tour of inner Melbourne is on Thursday evening next week (2 December). The history they never taught you at school. Find out about the radical history of Melbourne. Come with us on a tour that exposes the hidden history behind

LL:DDV: Secret History Walk

1999-11-05 Thread Sandra Bloodworth
AN ALL NEW SECRET HISTORY TOUR OF INNER MELBOURNE The history they never taught you at school. Find out about the radical history of Melbourne. Come with us on this fifth in a series of secret history tours that exposed the hidden history behind the respectable facade of our city, buildings

LL:DDV: Secret History Walk

1999-11-04 Thread Sandra Bloodworth
AN ALL NEW SECRET HISTORY TOUR OF INNER MELBOURNE The history they never taught you at school. Find out about the radical history of Melbourne. Come with us on this fifth in a series of secret history tours that exposed the hidden history behind the resepectable facade of our city, buildings

LL:DDV:Eyewitness Account of Events in Timor

1999-09-07 Thread Sandra Bloodworth
STUDENT ACTIVISTS TO GIVE EYEWITNESS ACCOUNT OF THE TRAGIC EVENTS IN EAST TIMOR Sean Butler and another student activist from University Students for East Timor (USET) who have just returned from working with the pro-independence movement in East Timor will give a dramatic first hand account

LL:REM: Socialism 2000 conference

1999-08-08 Thread Sandra Bloodworth
es for our side have been few and far between Sandra Bloodworth, who cut her teeth in the Movement Against Uranium Mining in the late 1970s and Harry Van Moorst, who played a leading role in the movement against the Vietnam War and more recently on the campaign against the Werribee toxic

LL:DDV: Socialism 2000

1999-07-17 Thread Sandra Bloodworth
t every campaign has to answer is "how are we going to win?" And despite inspirational strugggles like that of the Maritime Union last year, victories for our side have been few and far between. Sandra Bloodworth, who cut her political teeth in the Movement Against Uranium Mining in the late

LL:DDV: Public meeting on the war in Serbia and Kosova

1999-04-14 Thread Sandra Bloodworth
PUBLIC MEETING AND DISCUSSION ON THE WAR IN SERBIA AND KOSOVA STOP THE US WAR DRIVE End NATO's Slaughter! 7.30pm Thursday 22 April Meeting Room 1 TRADES HALL cnr Victoria Lygon Sts Carlton As the NATO bombing intensifies and talk grows of ground troops being sent in it is time to start

LL:AA: 6am Tuesday picket at Australian Dyeing Co.

1999-01-18 Thread Sandra Bloodworth
The picket at the Australian Dyeing Company in Clifton Hill is still going strong but extra numbers are needed tomorrow morning (Tuesday 19 January) because the company might attempt to restart production with scab labour. Be there by 6am outside the factory in Noone St, Clifton Hill. end

LL: DDV: Green Bans Red Union

1998-12-15 Thread Sandra Bloodworth
Public Meeting: GREEN BANS, RED UNION In the 1970s, the most powerful force in the defence of the environment was – the NSW Builders Labourers' Federation whose members voted repeatedly to stop demolition of historic buildings, the destruction of local communities and the degradation of the