Defend the building unions
Defend union rights

Rally Thursday 6 February 9 am
Trades Hall, 54 Victoria Street, Carlton South

The VTHC urges affiliates and activists to join a rally in defence of 
the building unions and Martin Kingham on 6 February at 9am at Trades Hall.

Martin Kingham will appear in the Magistrates Court on this day facing
charges arising out of the anti-union Cole Royal Commission.

VTHC secretary Leigh Hubbard has warned trade unionists to expect 
increased anti-union activity from the Federal Government when the Cole 
Royal Commission report is handed down on 31 January.

Mr Hubbard said the Howard Government would use the Commission's 
findings to justify the intensification of attacks on basic union rights.

"The Royal Commission has been exposed as a blatant exercise in union
bashing. The government has wasted over 60 million dollars in tax payers
money in an attempt to destroy the CFMEU."

The union movement in Victoria must conduct a unified campaign to stop 
any further attack on workers democratic rights Mr Hubbard said.

"I would urge all union members and activists to attend a rally at 
Trades Hall on February 6 in support of building unions and CFMEU state 
secretary Martin Kingham as the first step in a campaign to defend basic 
union rights in 2003."


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