Export trade in secret canola

Wednesday 29 March 2000

Government documents reveal that up to half of the genetically engineered 
canola being grown secretly in Australia is being produced for commercial 
sale, not scientific experiments.

Documents from the regulatory body set up to oversee genetic modification 
trials show that significant amounts GM canola are being grown for export.

A spokesman for the federal Agriculture Minister, Mr Warren Truss, said he 
was unaware of the commercial production and that it was a matter for the 
industry regulator.

Opponents of genetic engineering are describing it as commercialisation by 

In other developments yesterday:

The Tasmanian Government has called on the Federal Government to allow it 
to opt out of permitting genetically modified crops in the state, but 
Canberra has so far refused.

AWB Ltd, formerly the Australian Wheat Board, said yesterday that its main 
overseas customers, particularly countries in the Middle East and Asia, had 
been adamant that they did not want GM wheat. But the company was keeping 
its options open so it would have access to future genetic technology 
should tastes change.

The Australian Consumers Association's chief executive, Ms Louise Sylvan, 
has warned the Federal Government not to take sides on GM foods and to 
require complete openness by the industry. "There is a perception that the 
Government is taking the side of the companies," she said.

The president of the Victorian Farmers Federation, Mr Peter Walsh, scoffed 
at concerns by the Federal Government's own scientists that 
herbicide-resistant super weeds could result from widespread use of GM 
canola. He said that new forms of chemical herbicides would be easily 
developed to take care of such weeds.

The Government's own Genetic Manipulation Advisory Committee and a 
spokeswoman for the French/German crop science company Aventis have 
admitted to widespread production of genetically modified canola for export.

At least 2000 hectares of the crop are likely to be in open fields with no 
covered protection against cross-pollination to other crops or weeds. But 
under the guidelines, buffer zones for such crops must be of 50 metres from 
related weeds and 400 metres from a commercial canola crop.

According to GMAC documents, most of the exported GM crops are grown in 
spring and summer so they can be ready for release in the northern 
hemisphere summer, particularly in Canada and the US.

It is known as "contra-season" planting and produces what some operators 
refer to as "mother seed". In Australia it is mainly being undertaken by 
Aventis and its US rival, Monsanto.

None of this seed can be sold legally in Australia, but reports have been 
received of Australian farmers being offered black-market GM canola.

Two weeks ago The Age was directed to a mother seed field that had just 
been harvested near the South Australian town of Allendale, south of 
MtGambier. It was in an open field next to a main road and the landowner 
was subject to a secrecy agreement with the seed company.

On Saturday The Age revealed that bags of plants from another GM canola 
crop near Mt Gambier were dumped on an open commercial tip. But Ms Naomi 
Stevens, for Aventis, which ran the trials, has claimed the company buried 
the material under a metre of soil.

The director of the GeneEthics Network, Mr Bob Phelps, said the regulators 
were letting Australia down by putting the clean image of our agricultural 
export industries at risk. He called for an immediate freeze on GM crop 
releases and a disclosure of the location of production and trial sites.

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