The following article was published in "The Guardian", newspaper of the
Communist Party of Australia in its issue of Wednesday, March 5th, 2003.
Contact address: 65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills. Sydney. 2010 Australia.
Phone: (612) 9212 6855 Fax: (612) 9281 5795.
CPA Central Committee: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"The Guardian": <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subscription rates on request.


Howard gears up for US GLOBAL WARS

The National Security Defence Update published last week further commits
Australia to involvement in the US's program for global dominance. It is 
a program for endless and worldwide aggression and war.

The Government claims that there is now a "changed strategic 
environment" but the policies being pursued by the US, Britain and 
Australia have been in preparation for many years. They were not set in 
train by the terrorist attack on the World Trade Centre and the Bali 

The document admits that the prospect of a conventional military attack 
on Australian territory has "diminished". The fact is that there was no 
threat to Australian territory from any power in the Asia-Pacific region 
or anywhere else.

The Defence Update is a propaganda exercise to convince the public that 
the issues are "terrorism", "weapons of mass destruction" and "rogue 

It is a simple matter to allege that other states have weapons of mass
destruction or are harbouring "terrorists".

The intention of the propaganda is to whip up hysteria and justify the 
US invasion and occupation of other countries. However, the mass 
demonstrations in Australia and worldwide show that the public is not 
buying the propaganda.

Defence Update makes a number of references to US "domination". It 
welcomes "increased US strategic dominance" and the fact that "the US 
with its combination of economic and military might, is increasingly 

Under the umbrella of US "dominance", the Australian Government is 
throwing its weight around. The Update says, ". there may be increased 
calls on the ADF [Australian Defence Forces] for operations in 
Australia's immediate neghbourhood" and "involvement in coalition 
operations further afield is somewhat more likely."

In keeping with this subservience to the US and its global ambitions,
Australia's military forces are being restructured. The size of "Special
Forces" will be increased, a "Special Operations Command" established 
and a "Tactical Assault Group" formed.

Global instability

These outfits have nothing to do with the defence of Australia. They 
will be used to assist the Global Cop in its invasion of other countries.

The Update claims that "Australia and the US continue to contribute
towards global stability and prosperity".

This incredible claim flies in the face of reality. Their aggressive
policies have created the most unstable and dangerous situation since WW 
2, while their economic and political policies are responsible for the
impoverishment of millions of people in many countries.

In covering the Defence Update, the mass media ignored these questions. 
It has concentrated on the idiotic proposal of the Howard Government to 
sign up to the US "Star Wars" (the so-called National Missile Defence - 
NMD) project.

For this purpose PM John Howard and Defence Minister Robert Hill, have
conjured up the possibility of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea
(DPRK) developing missiles capable of hitting Australia.

Even if the DPRK had such missiles, there is no reason whatsoever for 
that country to attack Australia.

They promote the NMD as a defensive shield.

The true purpose of the NMD is not defensive. It would be part of an
offensive war machine, with the aim of providing a protective "shield" 
for the US under which the US could rain death and destruction on other
countries with impunity.

Even if it worked - which is uncertain - it would not protect Australia.

Australia's involvement in Star Wars is not a new development. When 
visiting Australia in July 2000, William Cohen, then the US Secretary of 
Defence in the Clinton administration said that he expected Australia to 
"play an important role in shared early warning".

This was a reference to the use of Pine Gap as part of the NMD. The Pine 
Gap base is essential to the "Star Wars" program.

Cohen also told the Howard Government, "There will have to be additional
investment if Australia hopes to maintain a modern interoperable force 
with the US and other allies. This is a requirement of all our allies", 
he said. (The Guardian 26/7/00)

Having received the American instructions the Australian Government now
openly admits its support for the "Star Wars" program.

The Update speaks of "effective missile defences". It goes on, ".the US 
is looking to involve its allies and this will be an increasingly 
important priority in the twenty-first century".

A whole section of the Defence Update is devoted to the "countries in
Australia's immediate region".

The Pacific island states are warned that "Military or civil assistance
could be required to restore law and order, to evacuate Australians, or 
to help in humanitarian disasters", and could require "swift deployment 
of the ADF."

The Australian Government claims an unasked-for leadership role.

The Update says, "The strength of our national interests, and our 
prominent leadership role in the region, means that Australia . will 
need to maintain the capability to respond effectively." (Emphasis added).

There is not a single proposal contained in the Defence Update that aims 
to help preserve peace and security in the region or further a field.

There is not a word about improving the lot of the millions of people in 
the region who have been impoverished, are unemployed, have little or no
education or health care.

It is all about war preparations.



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