Terror in Dili

The following article was published in "The Guardian", newspaper
of the Communist Party of Australia in its issue of Wednesday,
April 21st, 1999. Contact address: 65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills.
Sydney. 2010 Australia. Phone: (612) 9212 6855 Fax: (612) 9281 5795.
Webpage: http://www.peg.apc.org/~guardian
Subscription rates on request.

"The paramilitary assassins working with ABRI (the Indonesian
Army) killed Pedro Nunes, a member of the Provincial Legislative
Assembly in Dili at 1500hours; 30 people wounded as a result of
this attack in Ermera. ABRI are now surrounding Dili, the capital
of East Timor. Its militia group, (referred to as ``MAHIDI'')
coordinates with ABRI to attack selected suburbs in Dili ..."

This grim report was sent out on Sunday, April 11. It was clear
at the time that the situation in East Timor had been
deteriorating by the minute. The report warned that the
ABRI/MAHIDI group was meeting next door to the residence of
Manuel Carrascalao, former Indonesian-appointed governor of East
Timor. Six days later, the dire warnings from East Timor turned
into grim truth -- Mr Carrascalao's 17-year old son was killed in
his home.

Rampaging mobs terrified the population in Dili, attacked and
burnt houses. It is estimated that at least 20 people have died
in the attacks, with dozens abducted and possibly executed.

It has become crystal clear that the Indonesian government has no
intention of allowing a referendum on the future of East Timor to
take place. The terror facing the East Timorese people is
compounded by the pitifully weak stand of the United Nations
which seems ready to call off a referendum which does next to
nothing to enforce security against the Indonesian army and the
death squads.

The United Nations has failed to implement its own resolutions on
East Timor. It has never recognised the annexation of East Timor
but has failed to act against Indonesia's aggression. It is time
to immediately sent a UN peace-keeping force to East Timor to
achieve peace and the rule of law.

Continuing its collaboration with the Indonesian government the
feather-duster protests of successive Australian governments is
also encouraging Indonesian actions which have the objective of
continuing Indonesia's occupation of East Timor.

The military support, sales of arms and ammunition to Indonesia,
and joint exercises with Indonesia's military have in effect
condoned Indonesia's occupation of East Timor.

The Indonesian army armed the militias -- but who supplied the
military equipment in the first place?

The situation in East Timor now is comparable to the time of the
annexation of East Timor and the subsequent slaughter of its

Talking to "The Guardian" CPA General Secretary Peter Symon
called for the immediate withdrawal of Indonesian troops from
East Timor, the disarming of the terrorist militias, the
stationing of a UN peace-keeping force in East Timor and the
conduct of a referendum by which the East Timorese people can
freely vote for either autonomy within Indonesia or complete

"The policies of successive Australian governments have
contributed to the situation" said Mr Symon. "Australian
government policies have been a disgrace and have for many years
bolstered the military fascist government of Suharto. Even now,
the Australian government is not willing to really change
policies and support the people for a change."

Statement by Xanana Gusmao on the situation in East Timor

Homeland or Death!

In an interview given in Dili, on April 3, 1999, General Damiri,
Commander of the Udayana Regional Military Command, revealed that
there exists no political will on the part of the Indonesian
Government to resolve the East Timor problem.

The arrogance of ABRI is once more demonstrated by General Damiri
who, through his declarations in Dili, has caused the situation
to deteriorate in East Timor, and we anticipate a heightening of
the climate of war.

We know that Jakarta's strategy is to encourage the East Timorese
to kill one another in order to justify ABRI's continued presence
in the territory.

Since October 1998, ABRI has been supplying weapons to civilian
militias with the intention of intimidating and harming the

We have been making regular appeals to the international
community to pressure Jakarta to dismantle and disarm the
militias which, initially, it was intended would only operate in
the western part of the territory.

As has been the case for the past 23 years, the international
community continues to deposit more trust in ABRI than it does in
the Timorese people, and therefore our appeals have been met only
with disbelief.

With this attitude of passivity on the part of the international
community, the Indonesian Government feels sufficiently confident
of its ability to go on arming more groups all over the territory
and to intensify the campaign of violence, to the point of
murdering the population to then blame the Resistance (a practice
long used by ABRI, not only in East Timor, but also in

Our political good-will and our commitment to Peace have been
perceived as our weakest point and because we have been trying to
uphold this position, the international community seems not to
feel the necessity to contribute to a peaceful solution in East

Today, we receive many promises of aid and co-operation for a
future independent East Timor, when what we need is unequivocal
and immediate support to put an end to bloodshed and violence in
the territory.

We have fought alone these past 23 years, not only against a
despotic and murderous regime, but also against the complete
indifference of the international community.

I must remind the international community that since the
beginning of the ruthless Indonesian invasion and the criminal
military annexation of the Maubere nation, we, the East Timorese,
have been conscious of the need to rely on our own means and to
employ our own forms of struggle.

Since Jakarta's offer on January 27th, we, the East Timorese,
have continued to believe that independence would not come on a
silver platter. And we will resume our ways of fighting to free
our homeland.

The dissatisfaction, the rage and desperation of our people
demand of me loyalty and firmness. I know that the East Timorese
people will suffer another bloodbath, but I also know that we
have no other alternative because it is our homeland and the
right to it is ours. And we are prepared to make all the
necessary sacrifices.

We assume full responsibility for all that might take place and
we will not ask for the international community's compassion.

Our political stance has always been one of respect for the
socio-political situation in Indonesia, but Jakarta's murderous
generals force us to violate our compromise. And all that happens
in Indonesia as a result of the intensification of the war in
East Timor will not be our responsibility.

I now wish to inform the international community that the
situation has reached an intolerable limit in East Timor.

Therefore, I am compelled to authorise the FALINTIL guerrillas to
undertake all necessary action in defence of the population of
East Timor against the unprovoked and murderous attacks of armed
civilian groups and ABRI.

In response to the numerous appeals from the People of East
Timor, I also authorise the population to undertake a general
popular insurrection against the armed militia groups who have
been killing the population with impunity under the indifferent
eye of the international community.

Homeland or death!
To resist is to win!
The struggle continues without respite!

5 April 1999 (abridged)


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