The following book review was published in "The Guardian", newspaper of 
the Communist Party of Australia in its issue of Wednesday, July 16th, 2003.
Contact address: 65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills. Sydney. 2010 Australia.
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The Brisbane Line: A Reappraisal

Book Review by Rowan Cahill

Late in December 1945 in Osaka, Melbourne Herald journalist Denis Warner
interviewed Japanese journalist Kennosuke (Ken) Sato. Warner believed he 
was interviewing a soon to be apprehended war criminal.

by Rowan Cahill

Sato was more than a wordsmith. During recent hostilities he had been
seconded by both the Japanese army and navy for special duties, 
including the interrogation of Australian POWs, and arranging for a 
willing few to engage in pro-Japanese radio propaganda broadcasts.

Prior to World War II Sato had toured Australia as part of a high level
Japanese goodwill mission. During an eight-month stay the charming, 
English speaking, American trained journalist reconnoitered Australian 
commercial life and established contacts and friendships amongst 
politicians and business figures interested in establishing and 
extending trade links with Japan.

Sato told Warner that when Japan conquered Australia, he would have been
Chief Civil Administrator, heading up a specially groomed team recruited
from Japanese business personnel well known in pre-war Australia, 
supported by a good many highly placed, willing, Australian collaborators.

Unbeknown to either Warner or his employer, a large cache of documents 
in Australia suggested that Sato was not spinning a yarn. These 
documents were in the care of the Attorney General and Minister for 
External Affairs Dr H V Evatt; they had been seized by Australian 
authorities from the Japanese consulate in Sydney on the eve of war with 

Japanese officials had tried to destroy the consular documents, but 
enough material remained to show the way Japan cultivated pro-Japanese 
sympathies in Australia prior to 1941, variously courting opinion and 
policy makers, disseminating propaganda, gathering intelligence: bulk 
loads of propaganda material were distributed through pro-Japanese 
cultural and business organisations; there were gifts to politicians, 
generous entertainment accorded to diplomats, politicians, business and 
media heavyweights, and cash payments to some journalists.

In 1946, anti-fascist Commonwealth Security Service operative Major R F 
B Wake (later, and briefly, deputy to the first Director General of 
ASIO, Mr. Justice Reed) examined the documents. In a preliminary report 
to Dr Evatt he hinted there maybe was substance to Sato's claims, and 
strongly urged a long-term rigorous analysis of the material in 
conjunction with representatives from the Departments of External 
Affairs, Commerce, Trade and Customs; he wanted the decoding of coded 
material, and access to material ferreted out of Tokyo Archives by US 
Counter Intelligence.

The Melbourne Herald gave Warner's story prominence, but the notion of
wartime collaborators slipped under the carpet of post-war Australia. 
Sato never faced war crime charges for what had been brutal 
interrogations of Australian POWs. And Cold War politics took care of 
the rest. The ALP was increasingly alarmed by the power of militant 
trade unions, and battled against itself.

The Country Party and the emerging new force of the Liberal Party
successfully focused the nation on anti-communism, and in government 
placed Australia on a national security footing with scare mongering 
about the imminence of World War III. Ferreting out potential wartime 
quislings amongst Australia's conservative and business elites never had 
a snowball's chance in hell.

Until now. Historian Dr Drew Cottle (University of Western Sydney) 
examines Sato's collaboration claim in his recent book THE BRISBANE 
LINE: A REAPPRAISAL (Upfront Publishing, Leicestershire). He begins by 
revisiting the Brisbane Line controversy; were there plans during the 
early war years under the Governments of Menzies and Fadden to respond 
to a Japanese invasion of Australia by abandoning the area North of 
Brisbane, and then defending the rest, or, as some believed, coming to 
an administrative arrangement with Japan?

Conservative historians and politicians have tried to bury the 
controversy ever since its cover was blown in 1942 by Labor MHR Eddie 
Ward. Official documentary evidence for the strategic plan does not seem 
to exist, although Ward was adamant it once did. Nonetheless a rich 
diversity of non-official sources, memoirs, letters, private papers, 
physical evidence, military and civilian strategies, attest to the 
existence of the Brisbane Line, as a military, if not collaborationist, 

So far as Cottle is concerned, the collaboration notion has legs. Logic
suggests that if collaborators did exist, then they would have been 
amongst Japan's pre-war Australian friends. According to his research 
many Australians, the majority of them rich, powerful, and influential, 
developed deep relationships with Japan between the wars, steadfastly so 
at least until bombs rained down on Pearl Harbour.

Cottle trots out a who's who of people in business and industry, 
pastoral industries, politics, and opinion formation. Some were awed by 
the military power of Japan, hence the need to snuggle up close; others 
saw Japan as a civilising source of 'law and order' in an otherwise 
chaotic, turbulent Asia; others saw Japan as an economic opportunity and 
trade partner, Japanese imperialism suiting their class interests; for 
some it was all of these.

Whatever; Japan had to be accomodated, appeased, helped, joined, 
supported, even through its worst atrocities in China during the 1930s. 
And if the Australian Left or the Port Kembla wharfies got in the way of 
the relationship, then they had to be dealt with; Japanese money 
bankrolled some spoiling operations against the Australian Left. Overall 
it was a relationship akin to that John Howard and his mates have 
developed with the US.

An extensive Japanese intelligence network in Australia saw to it that
pro-Japanese sentiment was cultivated and groomed; this provided
opportunities for collecting data, particularly economic intelligence,
influencing public opinion, and who knows what else; in 1939 the office
bearers of the Japan-Australia Society included five members of Japanese
military and naval intelligence rubbing shoulders with leaders of 
Sydney's legal and business worlds.

A leading pro-Japanese politician was Percival Spender (later Knighted 
for his services to the Australian nation), Minister for the Army in the 
Menzies Government; typical of his closeness to Japan is the two months 
of unrestricted access he gave Major Sie Hashida, a senior Japanese
intelligence officer, to Australian strategic installations in early 
1941, including east coast military installations, the Lithgow armaments 
factory, and the Newcastle BHP steelworks.

A couple of months later Spender broadcast from Singapore, assuring
listeners that Australia had no "quarrel with Japan" and that "Australia 
and Singapore are far removed from the theatre of war". Japan's plans 
for the conquest of South East Asia and Australia were well in hand.

Japan's activities in pre-war Australia did not escape the attention of
Australian security services; nor did the activities of the pro-Japanese
sympathisers. Naval intelligence in particular was increasingly 
concerned, and may have had a role in engineering the collapse of the 
Fadden Coalition Government in October 1941.

In the end, however, Cottle cannot prove that Sato's Australian
collaborators existed. Japan did not invade Australia, and Japan's 
friends never had to decide where they stood once it came to the crunch. 
Nor do potential traitors tend to leave paper trails indicting 
themselves, and during his research Cottle turned up tantalisingly 
empty, and missing, files, as did Major Wake in 1946.

In the end we will probably never know whether or not Percy Spender was
earmarked for a major role in a Vichy type Australia, as some believed; 
nor the truth about Japanese funds finding their way into the coffers of 
the United Australia Party, the forerunner of the Liberal Party, on the 
eve of war with Japan. These and other questions are canvassed by 
Cottle, and he is to be congratulated for bringing them out of the 
shadows of history and into the light of day.

Cottle's book is the result of patient historical detective work. Apart 
from drawing on a huge body of secondary material, he has deeply 
immersed himself in the murky world of Australian security and 
intelligence records, interviewed key players, trawled private papers 
where available, along with the records of business and private 
organisations; the documentation is detailed.

The political and economic tour of pre-World War II Australia that 
Cottle takes the reader on, casts light on some dark places in the 
national soul, and rattles skeletons in the closet of the ruling class; 
it is almost like taking a trip through a parallel universe.

Australian political and business heavyweights who were lauded and 
honoured as fine, upstanding citizens during the 1950s and 1960s, are 
revealed as players in a pre-war shadow world of economic imperatives, 
shifting allegiances, and possibly headed for collaboration and 
betrayal. Some of the leading pro-Japanese shifted their allegiance 
post-war to the US, and got in on the ground floor in that department.

THE BRISBANE LINE: A REAPPRAISAL is only available through
, at ?9.99 per copy. But it is well worth the effort in tracking down.



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